Note Passing

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          Every self respecting teenager at some point in their time, always complains about school. Whether it be about an annoying kid, a bully, maybe even a teacher. But today, here, at Greendale High I didn't have any complaints. People seemed to be nice, and I have been reunited with Sabrina Spellman, the most strikingly beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Even though high school sucks, with the shitty teachers, and comically horrible gym class, I liked it because Sabrina was there. 

          My first class of the day, is biology- with Sabrina- so it has been pretty great so far. Class seems to by at a snails pace, and is so boring that I can barely stay awake. The only thing keeping me from passing out, is thinking that I'll get to talk to Sabrina afterwards. I had a quick conversation with her before class started, and I learned that she sits behind me- so I'm very excited to see what will happen in this biology class. 

          It was about fifteen minutes till the bell, when I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Sabrina smiling and holding out a folded piece of notebook paper. I Smiled at her, and took the paper from her. I unfolded the paper, and was met with a drawing of a tree, in the center of the paper- and a little note in the corner- saying "add to it". I grinned and drew a jack-o-lantern at the base of the tree. I passed it back to her, and she giggled a bit- it must have reminded her of when we carved out jack-o-lanterns together when we were little. That's what it reminded me of. 2 minutes later she dropped the paper on my desk, she added the ground and some clouds to the sky. I smiled and started to draw apples, hanging off of the tree she originally drew. I passed it back to her, and waited for her response. A minute later she passed the paper back to me, and she didn't draw anything new. I scanned the paper and soon saw the cloud she drew a couple minutes prior to her passing it back. In the center of the cloud she wrote: "Wanna go apple picking?" With a little smile drawn in next to it. I smiled, and drew another cloud- containing to word "yes". I passed it back, and turned around to see her reaction. She smiled, and scribbled something down- immediately passing back to me. She wrote "5 o clock?" in the grass below the tree. I turned around and nodded. 

          Then, the bell rang. I gathered my things and turned to see Sabrina speeding out of the classroom. I then saw a note on my desk. "5 o clock, Windenberry Farm. Be there." It said, with a inked in black heart in the corner. I smiled and picked up the note, putting it in my pocket. I couldn't believe that she wanted to see me again, outside of this stinky biology classroom. I couldn't wait. 5 o clock, Windenberry Farm- I'll be there. 


ahhhhhh i hope you liked it! sorry for updating so late i've been busy with ~school~ but i promise that i will be more consistent with updating and adding new chapters. if you like this story please share it, and feel free to follow me for notifications whenever i update this, and any other story! comment below any requests or stuff you'd like to see with habrina in the future :) also sorry if there is ever a typo or something i often write when i can't sleep so there might be a couple errors <3

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