Strangers Turned Friends

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          After that interesting biology class, the only thing on my mind was Sabrina - and apples of course. Sabrina and I were going to go apple picking at a nearby farm, that I soon realized that I had never gone to. I had no clue where this farm was, but I had to figure it out. I started wandering the halls, looking for a map of Greendale (if that even existed). I must have looked like a lost puppy, because I was soon approached by a two people. A taller girl, with big. beautiful hair. Her skin was a warm chocolate like brown. She wore big glasses, and an even bigger smile. The person next to her, wore overalls and sported a shorter hairstyle. They were much shorter, and seemed quieter in nature. 

          "You're new right?" The shorter person said, as they took a step closer. I chuckled a bit and nodded. 

          "Is it obvious?" I asked, looking down at the floor. 

         "Painfully obvious," said the taller girl, as she stuck her hand out. "I'm Rosalind." I shook her hand and smiled. 

          "I'm Harvey. Harvey Kinkle," I replied, I then looked over to the person next to Rosalind. 

          "I'm Susie," they said, as they extended their hand outwards. I shook it, and looked back over to Rosalind.

         "So, why do you look so lost? Are you looking for anything?" Rosalind paused. "Or anyone?" I nodded, and passed her the note. 

         "I'm going to Windenberry Farm to pick apples with a friend of mine, and I have no clue where it is," I said, gesturing towards the note. 

         "Oh it's pretty close to here actually. Take a left off of main and head down for about two miles towards Riverdale. There's tons of farm land down there, including Windenberry territory," Rosalind said.

         "Thank you!" I said, smiling. "What class are you guys going to?"

         "We're headed to geometry in room 113." Susie said, holding up her schedule for me to see. 

         "Same here, can I walk with you guys?" I said. They smiled and nodded. They lead me down the hall, and to the geometry room. Luckily, there was an empty seat at their table. 

       The rest of my school day was pretty great. It turns out Sabrina was friends with both Susie and Rosalind. Overall, I had a really great day. The whole time, I was thinking about apple picking. I was beyond excited. I've been back in Greendale for 3 days now, and it's been great so far - and I know that it'll get better. 


hey guys!! i'm so sorry that i haven't updated in a zillion years, but don't worry - i have big plans for this story! i promise the next chapter will have some good habrina content :) this chapter was made to introduce my favs (rosalind and susie) so i hope you enjoyed it! let me know what you think about this chapter, and if you want more rosalind and susie! the next chapter will be up within a week, so get ready- i have lots planned!

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