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"Hey, Lyra," my bandmate Shane said to me. It was after practice and I was drinking water to help with my throat. "Cody Simpson is in the same town as us."
I frowned. "Really? Or are you trying to get a reaction out of me?" Shane always teased me about my teenage crush on Cody, even though I was over him now.
"I'm not kidding. See for yourself." He handed his phone to me.
Sure enough, it was an article stating that Cody Simpson and his band was coming to town for a free concert.
"Isn't that the venue we're scheduled to play next month?" I was shocked to read the location.
"Let me see," Derrick, our guitar player, said. He looked over my shoulder. "Yep, that's the same one."
"'Cody & The Tide'? What kind of name is that?!" Alex, our drummer, scoffed. He started looking up some of their songs.
I was surprised at the beat of some of them. Cody went from teenybopper to surf rock!
"We could do a metal cover of one of these!" Exclaimed Jack, our rhythm guitarist.
I grinned. "Let's do it!  And send it to them! But first I wanna go to that free concert."
The night of the concert, I was excited as we watched them play live. Cody's two band mates, Reef and Adrian, along with Cody's electric guitar, gave the music a drum beat that made it seem like the song could easily be converted into metal. I couldn't help but feel proud of Cody for breaking out from the cookie cutter pop music he did when I really liked him. This was ten times better than it.
After the concert, my band and I were full of new ideas

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