Chapter One: Meeting

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My band and I headed out of the venue. I accidentally bumped into a girl on the way out.
"Watch it!" She snapped, giving me a dirty look.
I ignored her. That was when I froze. "Shit. I forgot my keys!" Before any of the boys could come after me, I ran back into the venue.
"Hey-" I called out to anyone who might still be in there. "Has anyone seen any keys?"
"Yep." I stared at who was holding up my keys. It was Cody himself. I hurried towards him.
"Thanks," I said, taking them from him.
He smiled like he was checking me out. "No problem."
I was star struck, my inner seventh grader screaming with excitement to see him right in front of me.
"So did you enjoy tonight's show?" He asked.
I smiled. "Definitely. I haven't had this much fun since Warped Tour. My band and I really want to cover one of your songs."
Cody grinned. "Awesome," he said. "Send it to me when you're finished!"
"Sure," I replied, though I doubted we ever would send it to him.
Cody sat down on the stage. "How many members in your band, and who plays what?" He asked, so I told him.
"Wow, you're stuck with all boys? What's your role in the band?" I blushed at his interest.
"I'm a vocalist," I said. Which was true but not the kind of vocalist he was thinking of.
"Cool," Cody started to say. "Do you-"
He was cut off by Jack yelling out to me. "Lyra?! You in here?"
I turned around and sighed. "Yes, I'm in here! I got my keys back!"
Shane led the way to stage, standing beside me. The rest of our band followed.
"Lyra? That's a beautiful name," Cody said, his eyes meeting mine. I could only smile, slightly embarrassed.
"So this is what's taking you so long," Alex said, smirking.
"Shut up," I scolded.
Reef and Adrian walked over to Cody.
"Did we hear something about another band?" Reef asked.
"Yep," Shane answered. "We're Attack Of The Fallen."
We introduced ourselves to them.
"If you do decide to cover a song by us, be sure to send it," Adrian said.
We all agreed.
"Hey why don't you meet us for lunch tomorrow?" Cody suggested. "It's really cool to meet another band who's actually fans of us."
"Sure," I agreed. "Definitely. Where and what time?"
We exchanged numbers and agreed on a time and place. I was beyond excited and couldn't wait for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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