Chap. 9

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"I don't think you understand, August." Hans' older brother looked at him, confused. "I really love Elsa."

"So you're not trying to take over this kingdom again?" He questioned.

Hans shook his head. "But she was just using me... she doesn't really care about me." Hans walked up to the window, where his reflection had tears stains and was red in anger. Hans stopped looking at his reflection, but rather looked behind it and saw a huge snow storm blowing through. "Elsa..." he whispered to himself. He busted through the castle gate, his cape almost blowing off in the extreme wind. "I will find you, Elsa."

Elsa jumped off the horse and started sprinting to the Southern Isle castle. She took one wrong step and fell through the thin ice she was running on. She pulled herself up and didn't stop making her way to the castle. "The... cold... never bothered me... anyway..." She whispered through shivers. She reached the castle and ran in the gates. "I need to see Hans."

"He's dead." A voice said behind her. The last thing she felt was a cold hand on her shoulder before she passed out.

((Gaaaaaaaasp! Sorry, it's another mini chapter! Ooooops! 🙈

QOTD: Recent emojis? ❓📱

AOTD: 😂💕❄❤✨😉🙈👻👌😭❓😐😔👭⛄👫😍📱🔥😎👬

YUP. 😐


Waaaaait! Hehe.Who do you think the "voice" was?



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