Chapter 4: Atlas' Entrance Exam Pt. 2

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~/HELLO AGAIN!!! Here's another chapter, sorry that we're busy with our everyday life but we try to write as much as we can, next update will be for the RWBY Insert story. DO NOT PLAY SONG!!!/~


Ironwood: "... And Flynt Coal is the winner of the match!"

Everyone clapped as they cheered for Flynt's victory against Kate but he was a good sport walking over helping her up, she smiled at the offer and accepted still a little annoyed at the lost but kept it to herself. They walked over to me clearly exhausted from the ordeal.

(Y/n): "That was awesome you too! Really thought Kate had it there for a second." I said patting them both on the shoulder.

Flynt: "C'mon man, you know every artist saves the best part for near the end."

Kate: "Artist? What songs have you produced?"

Flynt: "Well, uh, not really focusing on music too much, you know, just uh-- Oh hey look, it's that kat girl." he said pointing, quickly avoiding the question.

But in truth, the girl from before was heading towards our direction... Quite fast too... Really fast- Oh crap.

Neon: "Watch out!!"

She crashed into all three of us causing us to hit the floor with a loud enough thud it distracted the two people who were currently fighting.

Flynt/Neon/Kate/(Y/n): "We're okay...! Ow..."

The fight resumed and mostly everyone went back to their business as got up and brushed ourselves off. After that Neon stretched out her hand with a huge smile like nothing happened.

Neon: "Sorry 'bout that! I was really excited to meet you after that fight! It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen! Definitely top five! No wait, ten, just remembered a few things, still pretty cool!!!"

Flynt: "Uh, thanks, we liked your fight against the chrome domes earlier." he said shaking her hand.

Kate: "Yeah, looked like you were having a lot of fun." she says taking her turn to shake hands with her.

Neon: "Aww you guys are too sweet!" she then looked at me, "So, who are you?"

The other two were kinda surprised she didn't recognize me but I don't get noticed as much as my parents so it's understandable.

(Y/n): "Name's (Y/n) Idyll, son of Zart Idyll, nice to meet you." I reach my hand out for her to shake and she does saying

Neon: "Likewise, but who's Zart? Is he a teacher here?" This time I was surprised. All of Atlas knows of my dad, considering most of them are snobs only listening to the most 'pristine music', but still, is she even a resident here? "Uh you okay, you haven't let go of my hand..."

I blush and take my hand back quickly apologizing.

(Y/n): "Sorry, sorry, it's just... you're like the only person in Atlas I've met that hasn't known about my father."

Neon: "Oh, sorry, who is he?"

(Y/n): "A musician."

Neon: "What kind?"

(Y/n): "Pretty much anything jazz or classical--"

Neon: "Ah, well I only listen to anything pop, sorry, jazz and classical kinda just puts me to sleep unlike counting sheep."

(Y/n): "Um, how about Stanzi?"

Neon: "Stanzi? The rockstar? Not really too much of a fan, I like two songs of hers but the rest is kinda bland--"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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