Missi X Kaifes

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So my pretty darling villainsexplained wanted me to do and OC of his and Missi from Daria Cohen's The Vampair Series well my darling you got it! Might be kind of long then I expect it to be but hey it's an request I'll do it. So my darlings Happy Reading!

No One's Pov

It was night time and a shredded armor man with a huge helmet on his head was walking around the woods looking for some preys as he seen to girls walking around the same path that he was going. The girl's said I can't believe that we ditch school and also stole a car we are invincible! The other girl on the other hand didn't like going out late at night while the first girl kept complaining and mocking her about it. On the other side a girl in a purple velvet dress holding a staff that belongs to a vampire also has white skin, red eyes, and white pointy ears was looking for some blood or humans to devoured. The man in shredded armor smirked and turn into a demonic shadow and scare the shit out of the 2 girls and the other girl goes up using her staff to stab there a part of there body and sucking there blood alive. The man in shredded armor rip open the girls heads as the girl with the staff stop for a moment and seen who is the man in the shredded armor.

Missi: Hey I was here first! Those girls were suppose to be mine to eat and suck there blood!

Kaifes: Excuse miss but I came here first of all and going to use there skulls for my collection.

Missi: I don't care about that I'm the only one who should be feeding and sucking the blood of humans. I starving and then a person shows up stealing my prey!

Kaifes: ( Sighs) It's fine I'll starve as always. ( Kaifes takes his helmet showing his handsome and starts to walk away)

Missi: What the..... ( Blushes 100 shades seeing the handsome man face reveal and Missi grabs Kaifes arm tight didn't want him to go)

Kaifes: ( Raises an eyebrow) Are you okay?

Missi: Yeah.... I think so.... Umm you kind of remind me of a sorry ass bastard but better looking then ever.

Kaifes: ( Blushes) Ummm Thanks I think..

Missi: I'm sorry if I was acting Bitchy tords you I just don't trust people anymore and was only trying to feed.

Kaifes: It's okay I understand I can't trust others as well.

Missi: Who are you?

Kaifes: Oh how rude of me Lord Kaifes ( Bows down to Missi)

Missi: Lord Kaifes I like that name and I'm Missi at your service. ( Does a cursty to Kaifes)

Kaifes: Missi that's a very beautiful name.

Missi: ( Blushes and smiles a little Thank You.

Kaifes: Anything for a pretty dearie like you. So what's your story?

Missi: What?

Kaifes: Your story about you being here and meeting you.

Missi: It's a long story but I don't wanna talk about it still scars me for lifetime. I can tell you that how I became a vampire that I was actually not suppose to be one.

Kaifes: Sure I have nothing else to do in my mind or anything.

Missi: Thanks I can trust you but not anyone else for sure all turn against me or left me for bait......

Kaifes: What do you mean dearie?

Missi: ( Sighs) Well almost got rape or had sex with a vampire name Duke. That scar me for life but I killed him directly at the sunlight and I took his staff making me turn into a vampire then resurrect him back from the dead telling him to FUCK OFF and make him misrbesble and now you know.

Missi: I'm so sorry that happen to you pretty dearie no one like Shoudn't be treated or experience that. It put a smile on my face when you said making his life miserable.

Missi: Yeah I try my best getting vengeance and taking back what is mine.

Kaifes: Glad your doing good dearie. Hey can I ask you something? ( Blushes)

Missi: Yes you may ask me anything?

Kaifes: Would you like to go on a date with me?

Missi: ( Blushes and simply gives Kaifes a hug)

Kaifes: ( Confused)

Missi: Yes I would love to go on a date with you?

Kaifes: I was planning Italian restaurant do dine in together what do you think?

Missi: I love Italian I don't mind at all.

No One's Pov

Kaifes took Missi to an Italian restaurant and offer Missi a seat as Missi look at the menu and the waiter who was a male was simply terrified at Missi and Kaifes and he said it was on the house which means whatever they order would be all free and Kaifes was amused for a first date.

Kaifes: So what do you want to order dearie it can be anything you want ?

Missi: I want a plate of spaghetti please also so some red wine?

Kaifes: Mmm Tasty I'll take the same order as well.

Waiter: ( Shutters) Okay...... Your order will be out very quick. ( Goes to get the food)

Missi: Such a pleasant Waiter.

Kaifes: I agree with you dearie.

( The waiter comes out with Missi and Kaifes order)

Waiter: 2 red whine glasses and 2 plates of spaghetti.

Kaifes: That will be all Thank you kind sir.

( Kaifes chuckles as he sees Missi eating her plate of spaghetti she was eating so fast and drinking more of red whine and Kaifes simply adore being with Missi as he eats his plate of spaghetti and drinking some of his red whine. )

Kaifes: My someone seems to have an appetite I see~

Missi: Mmmmm!!!!!! Everything is delicious Kaifes the pasta, the red sauce, and the mini meatballs. I love it and also the red whine is simply devain~. ( Raises her glass and Kaifes raises his glass up as well)

Kaifes: Here's to my pretty dearie Missi.

Missi: ( Blushes) Here's to my Fair Gentlemen Kaifes .

( They both cheers and drink the rest of the red whine)

Missi: That was delicious Kaifes Thank you.

Kaifes: Of cousre pretty dearie.

No One's Pov

Missi and Kaifes left the Italian restaurant and went to a park sitting up on a hill looking at the stars and the beautiful night sky. Missi simply was cuddling up to Kaifes as he cuddle with Missi and he stroke her light purple hair and pointed at a star and wish that her and Kaifes can be a couple like a boyfriend and girlfriend wise Kaifes simply agree being Missi's girlfriend and holds Missi's hand and gives her kiss as Missi blushes but she kissed him back and they lay down together falling asleep under the night sky and the stars.

The End~

Hello Hello My Darlings it's me Blurry Face again here with a long story for my darling of mine I hope you like it and the drawing I only add Duke in the drawing to make it Funny but Duke wasn't in the story sorry but he'll be in other stories. Anyway Hope you guys❤

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