Who Brings Candy Canes In The Month Of February Story !?😖😞😶😕

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So here's another another story about my Daily life. Happy Reading^^

It was Tuesday not soon enough I wanted to be Friday already eventually I went to a very deep sleep of course my mom got me up. I continue my daily routine and got brush my teeth ready for school and put on a pale pink long sleeve shirt and pair of dark blue shade jeans hair in a pony tail and my purple sneakers since it wasn't cold or snowing today so I took advantage of it. I packed in 2 Kool Laid Watermelon flavor pouches and a lot of snacks since I want to eat while write in Spanish I was ready to go and wave and kiss my baby cousin on the cheek he just looked at me but I said bye he wave to me and I was simply adore by that. Awwwwwwww so Cute!!!!!!!!!😍😊Aaaaaahhh!!!! Gotta get going! I got my coat on and my earmuffs just in case I know I go a little extra of what a wear. Until I seen dozen of candy cane boxes I thought candy canes my mom had where all gone? I guess not well I heard my mom's conversation of the candy canes she has since there is not enough room in the house and she doesn't want them lol. So I took 2 boxes and thought of an idea what can I do to get rid of the candy canes. My Grandpa took me to school and then I went inside school and didn't eat breakfast although I kept writing on my mini journal can't help myself I love to write I'm I that bad? I dashed to my locker since I talk to one of my friends but realise I have 5 minutes left before the first bell rang so I took my coat and earmuffs off and grab my notebooks and folders I need and went to English with my new Teacher Ms. Tejhoe she seemed very nice she the first teacher I offer a candy cane too but she said No Thank You but she was polite I respect her and what I start doing is eating some Candy Canes myself. Ms. Tejhoe gave us an easy assignment since she's knew in the school called getting to know you in a friendly introduction way NOT THE OTHER WAY BELIEVE ME! 😳 So 4 questions to answer simply easy

1. What is your favorite Hobby?
2. What's your favorite desert ?
3. What's your favorite movie?
4. What's your favorite song?

Well here are my answer

1. Arts and Drawing
2. Oberwise Birthday Cake Ice cream and Chocolate Cake
3. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
4 Auerlio Voltaire The Night~

I also had to do a challenge of write my name and the adjectives that describe me lol that took a while since my name is very unknown. My new English loved my art and so much color I put in and draw Duke and Missi my favorite vampires and also in their shadow forms. I'm so proud of my drawings although I go too much some times I just don't like blank spaces. After I finished my task I went to talk to my BFF for a bit me and talk about mostly beauty supplies, memes, romance or homework we have mostly we don't or tests and work we do I'm glad she my BFF. I give some Candy Canes to my classmates just an offer I told TAKE THE CANDY CANE! I DON'T WANNA SEE THESE UNTIL NEXT DECEMEBR! They agree and I let them take many as I smile widely like I was a maniac. In history nothing happen much I just colored a map and of course I love to color especially when I take my time. I simply enjoyed it and was the first one to finish and then be on my phone and check out other stories from my friends on Wattpad my addiction lol. The flame that never ends a very interesting book I read after my assignment I enjoyed it oh what's gonna happen next. In Geometry nothing really happen but just worked in groups well my BFF sneaked up on me and I jumped and I said Hello... and she looked so tired and smiling lol she told me she slept in but not enough. Lesson don't stay up too late when you know you have school. She touched my shoulder and told me Your Beautiful and I thank her for the complament and I told her not as beautiful as you I teased but she reallt meant it and I thought it was sweet and I kind of blushed someone calling me beautiful my own BFF. Then she left and fell asleep on her chair and giggled at my BFF sleeping better then being in a group all it does chat so much. Then I offer my friends mostly girls some Candy Canes I offer my BFF many times but she said No Thank You which is fine and my teacher said No Thank You but that's fine the rest can be for my Spanish class. In Spanish class I went up to my Spanish teacher and told him this is the most stupid question I'm going to ask you but can I pass these Candy Canes Out in class? First he raised an eyebrow and then I told him the story and he understand and he likes me since I do my work. My Spanish teacher told me that I can pass out the  candy canes once the 2nd bell rings. In Spanish class my teacher literally embarrassed me by saying I have a gift for everyone and I told him that I just wanna get rid of these Candy Canes I hold the bag of candy canes and turned red. So I passed all the candy canes out and of course they thank me and I said Awww shucks it was nothing. Then I gave extra to my Spanish teacher lol then continue to watch the movie The Orphanage horror movie I had a chill down my spine when the paranormal activity started to happening worst of all they where children. Then at was at the suspenseful part but the bell rang so I had to go to driving and finshed my test. I did but I had no idea what I actually did but I was happy that it's done then in Creative writing I it was a chill day I had to pick a book from the closet but none of them interest me and most of them I already read next Tuesday have to remind myself bring Twilight saga books. Then tords the end we wrote on the board examples of figures of speech I looked at one called Oxymoron and guess who I drew on the side

 Then tords the end we wrote on the board examples of figures of speech I looked at one called Oxymoron and guess who I drew on the side

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Yep my hotty~ Hey I can't help it he does remind of a OXYMORON the things he does even though he's good looking. My teacher looked at me weird but I explain this is vampire who's a moron and oxymoron fits him. My BFF liked my doodle. I had lunch my last subject Chemistry watching Bill Nye The Science Guy and then stayed for after school since my Dad was gonna pick me up but it went out good today.

Hope You Guys enjoy ❤

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