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Running and running. The small boy stumbled through the forest, tripping over tree roots, frightening small creatures nearby. He was panting, his heart racing as he ran far away from the torture he faced in that house. Nothing could match what happened in there. His innocence was ripped from him as he heard the screams and cries in the room above. There was only one time he was beaten, punched in the face by her. But now he was away, running far anywhere, to anyone. Just where he could find home. To him, the woods seemed endless, just more and more trees. He didn't see the root, protruding from the leafy earth. His foot caught on the underside of the root and he fell flat on his face.
Crying wouldn't help, fat, voluminous tears were already streaming down Hsi face in gallons. He was constantly muttering 'help me' under his whispered breath. He sat up, dislodging his foot from the root. His shoes were already gone, from the other times this had happened, his shoes were either wedged in a tree root or drifting down a river. Wet, muddy and tired, Elliot slumped on the tree trunk. It was no use, his tiny legs would never outrun the monster. He had escaped with by skin of his teeth the last time. He was thankful that the woman didn't send out anyone to come after him. A rumbling sound emitted from his  stomach and more tears cascaded down his pale face.
"Help me..."
Sirens wailed outside Mommy's house, the sun shining bright in the sky. A handful of cops were going through the house, while two sat with Bella, soothing her. She was handcuffed, attached to a lampost, in case she tried to make a break for it.
"Three dead, one missing and one detained." A red haired police officer walked over to Bella, her long frizzy hair billowing in the winds. She bent down to her height and smile softly.
"Hey there, I just want to ask you a few questions about what happened, is that okay dear?" She asked, her emerald eyes twinkling with concern. Bella looked up into the freckled woman's face and solemnly nodded. Her bloodthirsty high had dissipated. "What did she do to you three in the house?" She asked, taking out a small notebook and pen. Bella sighed. She had to come clean, this was her one chance in redemption. The voice inside her head woke up.
Mommy woke up.

Never tell them, sweetie


Author's Note:
Disclaimer: This is a continuation from a book called Mommy's House. Go check it out to understand it. #mommyscontest
@z0mbies is the real author!

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