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Tell them the lies.
The truth will only hurt you Bella.

"Honey are you okay?" The red haired police officer looked into Bella's eyes her face frowning with concern. She held up a small torch and shined them in her eyes. There was nothing wrong with the girl, but the officer had a wary feeling at the bottom of her stomach.
"I'm going to ask you again, what happened here Bella?" She repeated, with a more serious approach. Bella smiled.
Go on, tell them what happened. Tell them the lies.
"My mother and I were kidnapped by a man and a boy. When I woke I found I was in a dark room with my mother and a small boy. The older boy always came in and hurt me, but the man hurt Mommy." She explained in the most innocent way possible, disguising the real turn of events. The police woman straightened up, looking slightly confused.
"So you mean that Cole was the older boy who stole you and 'Mommy' away?" She emphasized Mommy with air quotations. Bella nodded. The police woman sighed and walked to another group.
"I was right. The girl was somehow mentally abused in there, she's telling me something completely different." Bella overheard the conversation and grimaced. They didn't believe her. Mommy would be disappointed. 
I am.
Bella jumped at the voice in her head. Chills flew down her spine. Mommy hated her. And now that she was inside her head, she could corrupt her. And Mommy most certainly knew that. The red haired officer came back to Bella. She held out her hand and smiled.
"Bella, we're going to be taking you to a nice safe home before you can go to your father. You'll just be asked some more questions there." She smiled warmly and took Bella's hand, leading her to a car.
Take her gun. Kill her. Kill her. KILL HER.
Bella took a deep breath and stepped into the car, keeping her eyes on the gun. She reached out.
Scrambling across a fallen tree, over a gushing river, Elliot was still lost in the forest. Tears streamed down his face. All he wanted to do was just find his home. But deep down inside of his small body, he knew that home was far far away from here. He reached the end of the tree and hopped off. Panting for breath, Elliot stopped and let his body fall back onto the trunk. He was so tired hungry and thirsty. On the brink of insanity, seeing hallucinations around the forest. First was a girl with no eyes, blood pouring from her empty sockets. Next was a police man with his torso on fire. The last was a dead fox, it's insides splayed out from a large slice wound right in its stomach. Multiple crows and magpies were pecking at its remains, blood on their sleek wings and sharp beaks. Elliot shut his eyes and sighed. His small body couldn't cope with the tension and lack of nutrients. He rolled onto his side, flopping on the orange and yellow leaves, making them crunch as he  rested on the ground. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure. Propping himself on his small elbows, he squinted to see what the person was, hoping for it to be a friend rather than a foe. New tears formed in his ducts as he watched his real mother standing a few metres away from him.
"Mommy!" He exclaimed and started to run to Mommy. As he got closer, her features changed, morphing into the woman he wanted to get away from. Her. Mommy. Elliot gasped and stopped dead in his tracks, his heart beat quickening. Mommy outstretched her arms, inviting Elliot for a hug.
"N-No..." His breath hitched in his throat and started to back away from the woman. "P-Please!" He cried as Mommy advanced on him.
Come back to me, precious child...
Come here now Elliot.
Mommy's movements were as swift as a fox as she flew towards the young boy. Before his eyes, her body laced into netting, her black dress covering her body splitting in square holes, her face cut up. Her mouth opened to scream, but nothing came out. Elliot watched in terror as the woman he feared turned into a sharp black net, swooping under him, and capturing him in the cage of netting. The net swept up off the auburn ground and into the air. Elliot watched as his surroundings suddenly lifted up, turning his world around. The last thing he saw was the smiling face of Mommy before he blacked out.
The man walked up to his prey. Another catch, a small dirty boy with scruffy blonde hair and pale skin. The Man smiled. Another puppet.

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