From Ear to Ear

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Charlie was running around the Happy Hotel getting things organized for a big commercial shoot. This would've been easier if Vaggie was still here . Charlie often had these thoughts since her lover and manager had left the hotel but she shook it of, nothing was going to put her down today especially when the opportunity to prove that Vaggie had been wrong about her was on the table. "Ey , princess, where do ya want this vase." Angel was the only person the princess could really enjoy being around after what happened. She pointed to the front desk where Crymini was sitting and reading a magazine. Razzle and Dazzle ran by with treats in their hoofs. 

"Don't eat the treats boys!" She couldn't trust those two around sweets. Charlie loved to see everyone helping out but as she looked around she realized that one person was missing, the man who made her so called ridiculous dreams into an amazing reality but also the man who had changed most when Vaggie left, he was more open to conversation, he flirted with her, she was looking for Alastor. 

The radio demon had been very different to say the least, he was out of his room more and he socialized with the misfits way more than he used to. "Charlie, what colours should the flowers be?" Nifty was looking at her anxiously, awaiting her response.

 "Make them red but not a really dark red, more of a bright happy red." Charlie was putting on a happy front, deep down she was miserable and sad. She started to walk towards the stairway of the hotel to find Alastor but was nearly knocked over by something. She started falling backwards but was caught by long arms. "Well hello Charlie.' the radio like voice of Alastor brought up a warm feeling but also caused her stomach to knot up, she started thinking about if she looked ok, did she choose the right suit to wear, was her hair ok. She'd been having these thoughts whenever she went near the radio demon since a few weeks after Vaggie left her.

 "Umm, he-y Alastor. H-hows it going?" she mentally face palmed, why was she acting so weird in front of him. "Actually quite well. How's setting up going?" his huge ear to ear grin turned into a sly smirk. "R-really good." He looked down, the smirk still on his face. 

"Are you suuuure?" It seemed as though he was hinting that he wanted to help with something so Charlie put him to work on making more food. Why is it so hard for me to talk around him? While she was lost in thought she didn't hear Nifty calling her but soon enough she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Alastor. "The commercial crew is here."






"Alright miss are you ready to shoot" the camera man looked impatient. "Umm yes." She gathered up her misfits to start. They said lines about how the hotel had helped to change their lives and put them on a good path. Once it was over they celebrated by eating the food that had been prepared.  "Well Princess ya did a damn good job!" Angel hollered. For once in the entire three months since Vaggie left Charlie felt genuinely happy. She was surrounded by her friends and the people she cared about but looking around she noticed that Alastor had vanished. 

She excused herself from the table to go and find him. She searched his room, the bar, their shared office but to no avail. Then she heard the familiar tune of him humming. She followed the sound and ended up on the balcony. 

She felt like the protagonist of a trashy romance movie. With her heart fluttering she approached the radio demon. "Hey Al." He looked back at her with his ear to ear grin still humming the tune. "Hello Charlie. So sorry for my sudden disappearance."  She smiled at him as if saying it was fine. She walked up beside him and looked over the balcony. "Beautiful view isn't it? You can see almost all of Hell from up here." He smiled even wider. Charlie felt the butterflies in her stomach fluttering even harder.

"It's even better from the castle." He looked at her with a different kind of smile. She had never seen it on him before but she remembered her father always  giving the same look to her mother. 

"So I need to thank you for everything  you've helped me achieve my dream of opening this place and I just wa-"

Without saying the rest she was cut off by a force against her lips. She looked at what the force came from.

"There is no need for thanking me"

798 words. I'm so sorry for the wait guys but I wanted to wait until the pilot came out so that I'd have a better understanding of the characters. I'm so happy to finally have this out and I'm happy to announce that the second chapter is going to be started next week. So enjoy this and keep smiling wide.

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