Well Then

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For the past two days Alastor hadn't slept. He was constantly thinking about what happened between him and Charlie. He couldn't believe that he had kissed the princess, his business partner.

He had thought about it before but never had he thought he would actually do it. She just recently got out of a relationship and was still hurting but he just sprung that kiss on her as if nothing happened.

He was nervous to face her again but he knew it had to be done. He had mustered the courage to come to her door and now he was going to talk to her about his feelings.

"Hello Charlie!" He spoke as he knocked on the large door in front of him. He was about to walk away when he heard it creek open. "Oh hey Al." The sweet voice of the young princess rang in his ears. "Hello my dear! I was wondering if we could talk."
"So you've felt that way for awhile now huh?" He told her how he felt about her and to his surprise she wasn't upset or angry, she was actually very understanding.

"Well yes my dear. It's been hard not to tell you, I wanted to give you some time to heal but that night I couldn't hold myself back anymore." His smile shortened a bit but grew with what she said next. "Well to be honest I've started feeling that way towards you as well." He was shocked at that statement.

"But you ju-" In the same way he had cut her off on the balcony she had cut him off just now.

"Listen Al, I understand why you didn't tell me before trust me I would've done the same thing but it's not ok to just hide your feelings. So if you're willing to try this out then so am I." He couldn't believe it she wanted to try to be with him even though it would bring so many obstacles.

"Now how about we go downstairs and make some jambalaya."


The Radio Demon had never been more happy in all his years. He was with someone who wanted to know more about him. She taught him how to be more open and he taught her his mother's jambalaya recipe.

Even the rest of the hotel crew were happy for them. Life was going very well for them and they wanted nothing to change.

"Hey Al do you think we should invite Rosie over for the potluck?" The two demons decided it would be nice to host an event with some of the other overlords so they were organizing a potluck so everyone could mix and mingle together. "I'm sure she'd love to come dear. I'll send her an invitation."

The smiles in the hotel never seemed to drop. Everyone was helping out with decorations and food. They were all prepared for the event that was until a call came on Charlie's phone.

The contact name

Ok so I know that I said this would be out in March but I did say that I guarantee nothing. So here it is.

Now there is a reason I'm getting the two main characters together so fast that is because I personally hate books where getting together is this long ass process and then the chapters after that are time skips. We miss all the trials that come with a relationship.

So that's why they get together within the first two chapters. I'm gonna be writing some wholesome moments and some very serious moments. Yes there will be a time skip in the future but that won't be for quite awhile as I want you guys to get invested in the relationship.

I will start chapter 3 within the next week or so. In the meantime I will be making an art book for Smile Wide so you can all see some of the more sweet moments.

I have no other words except for stay safe and continue to smile wide.

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