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   SHE WAS SURE she would have handled it well, but Hannah was mistaken

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SHE WAS SURE she would have handled it well, but Hannah was mistaken. It seemed like it would be easy at first-just don't tell anyone. Hannah wished it truly was as easy as she and Susan imagined.

She felt like it was stupid, having to keep a relationship secret, but it's not a simple boy likes girl, girl likes boy story. It was a girl likes girl.

If only she was normal, everything
would be easier, but there was something about when she was with Susan that always made her forget all the problems that came with the relationship. Something about being held in her arms brought comfort to her heart and made her feel safe. But they both knew it would be better to end things.

They hoped everything would be easier-they no longer would need to hide such a large secret. But it did not, and getting back together would not be the band aid.

It was obvious to Ernie and Justin that there was a problem between her and Susan and whatever it was, it was affecting them both greatly.

They had tried to ask what was wrong on multiple occasions, but Hannah would always brush it off and say everything was fine, even though it obviously wasn't.

She hated to lie to them about she and Susan, but she feared that they, along with everyone else, would not be accepting. Perhaps Justin would, but he's terrible when it comes to keeping secrets and would break in front of Ernie and, unfortunately, Ernie is not the most open-minded, but she loved them anyways and would not risk ruining their friendship.

They were so important to her, even if they didn't realise it. She wasn't sure what she'd do if she lost them because she couldn't control her stupid feelings. Her feelings for a girl. She just wished that she could be normal like every other girl and only like boys, but Hannah liked them both.

Is it really that bad to like both girls and boys? She would ask herself. Apparently, it is. Her family made it clear. She hadn't come out to them, but they already made their feelings towards homosexual people clear during Christmas dinner's and family nights.

Hannah felt she was over-reacting about the whole situation. Perhaps because a lot was happening in her life, it made her feel worse.

Her O.W.L.S were coming up and she could not bring herself to study, as per usual. It made her feel stupid, and her family didn't help with the self-hatred Hannah was slowly gaining for herself.

They always pressured her to be perfect. Always yelling at her everytime she did anything incorrectly. They would always compare her to someone else in the family and was told by her cousins she would never make it in life. It's enough to leave anybody insecure.

Susan, O.W.L.S, her family, being school prefect, hating her looks, body and personality, doing poorly in classes. She felt stupid and worthless and sad and angry.

She began to wonder, what is there to look forward to anymore? She would work hard in school, then she was expected to get a job at the ministry, a job she would have no interest in. She would just work, work, work, but it wouldn't be for the passion, it would be for the money and to please everyone. It wouldn't be for her.

What was the point anymore?

Hannah just pushed herself. She pushed herself so much she fell into an endless pit like Alice when she fell into Wonderland.

Little did the blonde-haired girl know she too would fall into her own Wonderland because of a boy whose head is filled with melted crayons and personality is as wild and free like the flaming red curls on his head.

   Little did the blonde-haired girl know she too would fall into her own Wonderland because of a boy whose head is filled with melted crayons and personality is as wild and free like the flaming red curls on his head

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authors note:
i re-wrote this because i wasn't happy with how it had been.

please leave your honest opinion in the comments and give me some advice on what i should work on!

thanks for reading and be sure to drink enough water, kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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