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So my friend found out that her crush liked another girl and she said

"Darn it. Now I'm depressed." Then she smiled

I tried not to cry and put on a fake smile even though you can't be depressed for a thing like that

Depression is deeper

It isn't a feeling but a

Part of you that grows as fast as weeds

One day it's a small bug the next it's a large boulder

Me I suffer

The large boulder

No matter how bad it gets

I beg for it to go away

I try to move this boulder but each time it comes back even stronger and heavier until I can hardly breathe then

It starts all over again

It eats at you until your nothing more than a crumb then it starts the process all over again

I may seem happy

But that's the reason the word fake is a thing

It's called a fake smile

A thing I use daily

I can be energetic but

It's all a lie


Depression can make you the most two faced person ever

I've been through a lot

But don't feel bad for me

I will tell you when I'm ready

But right now I'm not

My mom wants me to go to a counselor

But what good is that

A person you let all your secrets out to but they can easily tell your parents if it goes to far

They are supposed to keep it, not tell someone

I'm a suit case

A suit case that has been dropped

And all the papers fell out

But no matter how much you try to pick them up and put them back in

They will never be organized

They will be shaken up and not all of them will be picked up

Left alone

In total darkness




That is what depression is

It's not fun

It's not cool

It's not a silly little thing like a crush

It a big thing

Like a bully

But worse

I wish I was normal

I do

But I'm not

I'm broken

I'm shaken

I'm Alone

I'm depressed

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