Chapter Nineteen - An Attempt At A Polite Rejection.

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My eyes went wide, my mouth went dry. He 'Loved me'. My father had 'loved' many women. Honestly the word sounded like something ugly now.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh." I said stupidly. I pulled my hands gently away from his.

"I, Er, Uh,....Thank you..." I stuttered. I watched as his eyes went cold.

"You like Sherlock don't you!?" He sneered.

"No I really-!" I tried in vain to calm him down.

"Don't give me that! I've seen how you act around him." He hisses.

"Oh Sherlock you are so handsome! Why, I would be delighted to dance with you!" He mocks in a girly voice, as he dances around me.

"I'm allowed to like who I please!" I yell outraged. I turn to leave, but he grabs my arm. His face inches away from mine. I tried not to think of how much he looked like my dad when he was angry. My heart started to pound.

"I will not give up this easily Keyland! Mark my words Keyland you will be mine!" He said with a darkness creeping into his eyes.

I wrestle my arm free and slap him full force in the face.

He chuckles darkly and runs a hand over his face. I turn and run as fast as I possibly can down the long black hallway. I have to find the other cast members. As I run I feel him glaring after me. I finally make my way back to the stage area, where there is the comforting sounds of people working. Panting from the run, I almost didn't notice Brian on his way over to me.

"Keyland have you seen Richard? He is going to miss his cue." He said, looking down at his clipboard.

"He is back that way." I pant, shakily pointing to the hallway I had run from.

"Okay." Brian responds. He looks at me for a moment. "Are you okay?" He asked concern written across his face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reply harshly. Brian nods once and scampers off. I take a deep breath.

I had to get a grip.

I had to calm down.

I had to be Ophelia.

I heard footsteps to my left and turned to see Richard being escorted by Brian to the stage. We made eye contact and he blew me a kiss. I stood tall and tried not to shudder. He breezed by me and headed for the stage.

What was I going to do now?

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