The Arrival

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Our airplane landed a few minutes and we are now on our way to the university. Once we got to the gate we saw the university was huge and at the front stood a old man waiting for us.

" If it aren't the Genie and Warrior welcome to Sainō University " headmaster

" It nice to meet you headmaster " Ben

" Are you going to give us a tour or something " Veronica

" Yes, but let me explain the Rules and Custom of this university " Headmaster

" Go ahead" Ben

" The Students are split into dive different groups Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Copper. These groups each have their own dorms. The Groups earn their stuff through missions and Talent Shows. Talent shows are competitions or battles between groups for supplies and better commodities. The Ranking of the the groups are
1st. Gold
2nd. Silver
3rd. Bronze
4th. Copper
The Gold Group has least amount of players only having about 23 members, but fact is all members are Royals with talent ranking of nine or higher. " Headmaster

" How do you become a member of a group " Ben

" You talk to the leader of the team and they decide if you can join " Headmaster

The headmaster then gave us a tour of most the campus. The campus broke into six section, The learning area this is a neutral area for all groups and where faculty members work also the second largest section. The Gold territory was the largest section area under the control of the gold group composed of Exceptional training grounds,Five star restaurant, forest, and housing it was like a gate community. Silver territory is the third largest is composed of has three dorms that look like five star hotels, Cafeteria, and Training Grounds. Bronze territory is composed of three normal dorms, and horrible training Grounds. Copper territory is composed of one rundown dorm and a small and indecent kitchen. My sister and I plan on joining the gold group were on our way to the leader.

Jessica POV

We are currently walking into the office of the gold leader. Once we walked in I saw the second most handsome man I've ever seen.

" My name is Ajima and you three want to join gold group "


First Name: Ajima Last Name: Belriti

Age: 20

Personality: Confident, Clever, and Natural Leader, and Tactical

Talent: Necromancer

Class: Irregular

Rank: 10

Description: The User can manipulate the dead and has a lot of death based powers


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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