Ride Or Riot

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Knockout and Tala had been sat in silence. The red Aston Martin had been flicking through radio channels out of boredom, vaguely aware Tala had curled in on herself in the backseat - the hood of her jacket pulled up to obscure her face. At least she wasn't breathing on the window.

"Not to make you think I care or anything," Knockout said, startling the young girl, "But what's wrong?"

"... do you have one of those street races tonight?" Tala asked.

Knockout noted the quick change of subject, but didn't comment on it, "Of course. Not that far from here actually."

"Can I come with?"

"Fine," The mech replied, "But, you have to tell me what's going on."

The human rolled her eyes, "It's nothing. I just..." She fidgeted with one of the drawstrings of her hoodie, "I don't wanna go home tonight."

The car slowly rolled to a stop. Tala leaned forward, confused. "Tala, I..." She heard gravel crunch under the barely moving tires, "If you don't want to go home, you don't have to."

She smiled, "I know, but thanks Knockout."

Knockout began moving again as the uncomfortable air dissipated, "Why don't you tell me about this Vince."

"Oh god! Where do I even start-!" Tala snapped, throwing herself forcefully back, "First off, he's the biggest dick-"


"He's the biggest jerk," Tala corrected sarcastically, "I mean, that's not really a big thing, but he only picks on people he knows won't fight back - or worse, can't. Like that lil kid before - there's no way he could've kicked Vince's ass. When it's someone like Jack then yeah, I kinda get it, but that was a baby."

"Jack?" Knockout asked, the name seemed... familiar.

"Jack Darby, he's in Daisy's science class. I haven't talked to him much, he's so boring. Daisy had to work with him on a presentation and he kept making excuses and not doing any work, she was pretty pissed but didn't say anything. Vince hates him for some reason - probably a girl or something stupid."

"That's funny," Knockout said, smug smile obvious in his voice, "Didn't you get into a fight with Vince because he insulted your girl friend?"

"It's different! Me and Daisy are best friends, I'd kill anyone who'd even think of hurting her and she'd do the same for me. The girl Vince and Jack are fighting over probably doesn't even know they exist!" Tala explained, "And girlfriend means something completely different."

"Ah. How so?"

"Okay, so." She paused, trying to think of an easy way to explain it, "You and Breakdown would be boyfriends - or girlfriends, maybe? - but me and you are just friends. Same with uh, Daisy and Breakdown, Alex and Starscream and Max and Soundwave. Me and Daisy are best friends, because we've been friends for a long time and we tell eachother everything but we don't... like, love-love the other."

"I think I get it," Knockout said, "She's your amica, then."

"I... guess?" Tala replied, "Boyfriend and girlfriend are like conjunk and best friend is like amica."

"Conjunx." Knockout corrected.

"Conjunx." Tala repeated, smile creeping onto her face, "...Hey, Knockout?



- - -

"Knockout, Starscream's asking after you," Breakdown's voice crackled through the internal comm, "Where'd you go?"

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