Chapter Six

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~ Angel's P.O.V. ~

I woke up to find an arm around my waist. I tried to get out of the grip but the arm pulled me closer to the person behind me. "I need to get up, you creeper!" I almost yelled. I heard a soft chuckle behind me.

"Alright, alright, I guess since I have to let you go..." Chase said while removing his arm from across me. "I like having you close to me, though, you know that, right?"

"Everyone loves having me close, but no one gets what they want when I'm around," I said not making sense to myself, but silently hoping it made sense to him.

"Yea, yea, yea, go get ready for school," Chase said shooing me into the bathroom. "Also, don't come out till I say you can, ok?"

"Why? Are you trying to hide your minions from me?" I faked a look of horror with a gasp. "Are you trying to get rid of me? Stay away, evil doer!" I yelled and ran into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I heard some chuckles from the other side of the door.

"I don't have minions, unless you count-" is all he said before I cut him off.

"Don't you dare say what I think your about to say!" I yelled.

"I was going to say Lukas and Brian," he said mysteriously. "What were you thinking?" he asked. I could feel my face heating up.

"N-nothing," I stuttered. "I'm taking a shower! I can't hear you, la-la-la-la-la-la-la," I yell-sung.

"You are so childish and perverted at the same time... my type of girl," I barely heard him say. I think he was just talking to himself, though. I love having super-human hearing.

~ Chase's P.O.V. ~

"You are so childish and perverted at the same time... my type of girl," I said to myself. Now, don't get me wrong, I love girls that aren't childish at all and not perverted but I love the ones that are more. She surprises me more and more as the days go on.

"You can come out now," I yelled as I finished getting dressed. Out stepped a beautiful brown eyed, black haired, crazy looking girl. She looked so cute in our school uniform. Wait... is that my uniform? "Are you wearing my school uniform?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe... what's it to ya, punk?" she said with a weird tone in her voice.

"Um... I need to have that for tomorrow since it looks like it will be the only clean uniform I have left," I said.

"Well, that just means you get to do laundry tonight, now doesn't it?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

I scowled at her and said, "Nope, now either take it off or I'll take it off for you."

"You wouldn't dare," she said scowling right back at me.

"Try me," is all I said for her to run to her dresser, grab her clothes, and run to the bathroom to change again.

"That's right, fear the almighty Chizzly," I said as I heard someone laughing from behind me.

"Chizzly? Really bro?" I heard Lukas ask me. I turned around to see Lukas, Brian, and Blake all rolling on the floor full of laughter.

"Why are you guys here?" I grumbled.

All their laughter died down after a few minutes and Blake said, "Oh, right, well we heard that you had a new roommate and you've been showing him around. So, where is he?"

"Um, there's a mistake to that, you see-" is all I said before the guys mouths dropped open with surprise. I turned around and saw Angel in her school uniform with mine in her hands.

"And who might this pretty little thing be?" Brian asked. Angel just started laughing.

"Pretty little thing? Really? That's the best you could come up with, Grandpa?" she said laughing even harder. Brian just started blushing and walked back over to Lukas and Blake who were laughing. I couldn't helpbut let out some laughs too.

"I think that that's payback, man," I said smiling. I love how she always does that stuff. Crap, I did not just think that.

"Oh shutup, Chizzly," Lukas said smiling. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh yea, that reminds me of what I was going to say! Why, in the whole world, would you call yourself Chizzly?" Angel asked turning to look at me.

"Well... um... you see... we're going to be late for class if we don't leave now," I said starting to walk to the door.

"By the way, why didn't they know that I was here. I thought everyone knew that I was your roommate," she said. I turned around and saw that the guys had their mouths open.

"Um... I didn't tell anyone that you were my roommate. Everyone just thought that I was showing you around..." I said in almost a whisper.

"Oh, so I was wrong about you!" she said almost excitedly. All the guys looked at her then me.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked turning to look at her once more.

"I mean... I thought you were the type of guy that would like to show me off, not show me around," I said.

"That is the guy that he is, though!" Lukas stated.

"What's got your panties in a wad?" I asked looking at Lukas skeptically.

"I might tell you later, ok? We need to go to class right now!" he said almost running out the door towards his class.

"Why is he in such a rush? We never go to class," I said stating the obvious.

"Wow... you guys are such great role-models," Angel said sarcastically while pushing past me and walking in front of all of us.

"Dude, I totally call dibs on her," Blake whispered to Brian and me.

"Now way! I was thinking that first and you know it!" Brian said.

"Guys, we can't call dibs on a girl like that," I said pushing past both of them and headiing after Angel who was heading for our first class.


The Chizzly is to your right! lol Hope you enjoyed it!

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