Chapter Nine

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~ Angel's P.O.V. ~

"Wha-what happened?" I asked. Very typical question for a person to ask that when they first wake up, isn't it? 

"You got knocked out by Chase," he told me.

"Wait... how do you know? Who are you?" I asked. "How do you know Chase?"

"Um... he hasn't told you anything about me?" he asks me.

"No... who are you? How do you know Chase?" I ask.

"Chase is my step-brother," he says.

"Your Chase's brother?" I ask dumbfounded.

"STEP-brother," he mumbled making sure that the word step was heard and emphasized. "Anyways, my name's Adrian."

"Oh, nice to meet you Adrian!" I say kind of enthusiastically.

"Are you feeling ok?" he asks me.

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly-" I said before remembering I was in a hospital. "Right... well... I am perfectly fine! Why are you here? Chase doesn't have enough guts to come and see me in the hospital, does he?"

Adrian chuckled and said, "Chase doesn't have guts, I agree."

"Glad someone knows what I'm talking about! You're my new favorite person!" I say smiling. Adrian chuckles. His chuckles soon come to an abrupt stop. "Why'd you stop chuckling so soon?" I ask.

"Um... I have to go," Adrian says before jumping out the window. As soon as he jumps out the window, Chase slams the door open.

"Where is he? Where's the little twirp?" Chase asks sounding really angry.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You know exactly what and who I'm talking about! Where's Adrian?" he yells at me.

"Sheesh, Mr. Grumpypants, he flew out the window for some reason," I say. Chase runs over to the window and looks down.

"That little twirp has no right being here!" Chase said.

"And you do?" I asked. "The last I recall, I'm in here because of you and I never said I wanted to see you. Man, they let anyone into a person's hospital room these days!"

"I do have a right to be here because you're my m-" before Chase could finish what he was saying, someone bursts through the door.

"Are you okay, Angel?" Red Highlighter asks as him and the other three highlighters come through the door.

"I'm fine, I promise. Could you guys help me with something though?" I ask curiously.

"Sure, what's it?" Orange Highlighter asks.

"Can you get Chase out of my room. I really don't want to see him right now," I say pointing towards him.

"Seriously? You want us to kick an al- oof!" Green Highlighter said as he gets punched in the stomach by Blue Highlighter.

"Hey! Be nice to him!" I yell.

"Man, by the end of the day she will have the secret figured out if this keeps up!" Blue Highlighter says looking towards Chase.

"No kidding..." he mumbles more to himself than anyone else.

"What secret?" I ask curiously. I am so sick and tired of being out of the loop here! It's not like they're some mystical creature like a unicorn, werewold, or a freaking vampire! I think to myself.

I see Chase and the highlighters smile before Chase says, "It's not that big of a secret."

"Then you should be able to tell me, now shouldn't you?" I ask.

"Eh, more or less..." Chase says. The doctor finally walks into the room.

"So, how are you feeling?" the doctor asks.

"I'm feeling fine. When can I go home?" I blurt out. Well... so much for trying to be nice, I thought to myself.

"You can go home right after I check and make sure everything is normal," he says with a smile.

"Thanks Doc," I say with a smile of my own while thinking of what I just said. I've always wanted to say that!

He checked to make sure everything was normal and then I was set free. As I walk out the doors to the outside, I say, "Fresh air here I come!"

I run outside with Chase and the highlighters yelling at me the same thing, "Be careful! You just came out of the hospital! You should be less enthusiastic!" I roll my eyes at them and skip out side. When I get out there, I close my eyes and continue to skip. It was definitly not the brightest idea because I bumped straight into someone.

"Oops, sorry! I was just so happy to get away from here that I was skipping and then I closed my eyes and you were walking and I bumped into you an-" is all I got to say.

"It's fine, I'm fine, really! I am really fine right now! I just got bumped into by a really cute girl, I mean who wouldn't be fine with that?" the guy asked smirking. I just blushed.

"Well, Mr. Player, you can walk in and leave me alone now," I say scooting to the right-hand side.

"Well, Ms. Player, can I learn your name and phone number before I go?" he asks with a smile.

"Sure, I guess so... my name's Angel. Instead of me giving you my phone number, how about you give me your phone number and name," I say with a smirk knowing that I will win this war even if it's the last thing I do.

"Alright, I guess that works too. My name's Alek," the guy says, "give me your phone and I'll put in my number."

"Alright, here, but you might want to hurry," I say looking back hoping that the guys don't see.

"Alright, done," he says handing me back my phone. As soon as I get my phone back, the five boys come walking out.

"There you are! You are one fast little sucker!" Red Highlighter said to me. "Ah, and who might he be?"

"This is Alek and I just randomly bumped into him. No need to worry, guys. Now, come on, I want to get home," I said hoping they would follow me to the car. My hope crashed as I turned around to see Chase talking to Alek.

"Alright Chase, it's time to go, officially! Now, come on before I come up there and drag you by the ear, mister!" I yell sounding a lot like a mom. I kind of smiled at myself for that.

"Alright, don't get your knickers in a wad," Chase said running towards the car. Once he finally made it to the care, we were off and heading for my house. I wonder what my mom will do when I bring home five boys... I haven't brought one boy home before but now I'm bringing five... great plan Angel... I thought to myself. This should be interesting...


Red Hightlighter to your right! Haha, sorry! It was the best picture that I could find at the moment! Hope you enjoyed it!

Me, the Little Emo Girl (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora