The Council's Spirit

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The Next Day...

The council was back, everyone that was part of the council have returned with more information to share. Some might have improved, some may need more fixing.

"Welcome back to the Council, today we all will continue our stories and then have a talk with those who have already gone. Same as usual except this time Stacey has something to tell you all," I said. Stacey steps into the middle of the circle and turns toward me. I give her a smile to raise her spirits and give her confidence.

"I want to tell you all that you are special and really strong, you all have been through so much but you still remain to strive. This makes me so happy to know that you have the strength to live on another day. This shows how strong you are, I am proud to see each and every one of you still alive and well." Stacey announces with pride in herself.

"You're so positive! Thank you, Stacey!" Elise said. Stacey clapped her hands and gave Elise a hug, I noticed that Elise began to blush a little bit. Everyone in the council was in awe, Stacey then walked up to Carlos. Another member of the council who appeared to be the shyest.

"No matter what you are told, deep down you are you and that's more important than people's opinions." She also gave him a big hug as well. She had so much joy inside of her, nothing seemed to destroy it.

"Thank you, Stacey." Carlos said with a smile on his face. "You are the real key to our hearts, always be yourself."

"I love you all!" Stacey said, she was only eleven, and has had a horrible past. Yet she still continues to strive with pride and joy.

"Oh my gosh, Stacey you must explain. How do you remain so joyful but your past isn't so good? I must know," Rene asked. Rene was also a member of the council, she was fifteen with red hair, hazel colored eyes, and light skin. She wore a red flannel shirt, black boots, and dark blue skinny jeans.

"Well, because of my forgetful memory. I can easily forget unwanted moments such as my past and remember the good times. For example, trying to raise everyone's spirits. I will never forget this day," Stacey replied.

"Normally a human sees in color unless they're color blind. I see the world in black and white. So there is a difference for me, an agonizing one. But I embrace the worse, no need to back down now."

"Wow, that's a lot coming from an eleven-year-old girl. I'm impressed, Stacey. Keep pushing on in life, I can already tell your life will soon be a paradise." Katherine said with a smile on her face.

I couldn't tell how I was feeling, this council meeting was different. One that truly opens our hearts to those who have fallen, and to the ones being healed while doing this healing. Everyone including me no longer felt this relentless agony we burden from our past. It seems like healing is upon every soul in this building, sometimes I feel like I do not deserve it. But it's too precious to deny and so are the welcome souls of this council.

Who knew that an eleven-year-old girl would change the mood of the council? Everyone was happy, we all laughed and had an amazing time! Soon it was about time that everyone returned home, but Katherine and I remained along with Stacey. I got to doing paperwork about the institution and how well things are turning out.

Soon after, the three of us went back home. This had to be one of the best days of my life, nothing could break it.

"So this is your home?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, it's two stories high but that's fine. It's not too bad, a good house does well am I right?" I replied.

"Any home is a good home, you just have to take care of it." Stacey said suddenly, I was shocked to not even see one tear in her eyes. She was happy, a little too happy. I must not be seeing something?

A few hours later, Stacey passed out on the couch. She lied peacefully asleep, so calm. It was about time Katherine and I went to sleep as well. We needed it so much because our health was on a decline, but we didn't have any medicine and forgot to receive our Flu shots twice.

"Hey, Sarah. Do you think that today was a little, well you" Katherine asked. I was changing into my sleeping clothes that I wear each night. "Well, I kind of thought that as well. But hey, it was a good change wasn't it?" I replied. I tried to put a smile on my face but Katherine saw through my fake expression.

"Sarah, I believe that something is going on. I no longer feel safe about how things are. Yes, today was great! I admit that, but during the council...I saw something. A figure of some sort, it looked like a woman. I couldn't really see her face nor her clothes but her hair was like...I can tell that it was straightened out but parts of it just floats into the air. almost like a balloon but it's attached to her head. Sarah, I know that this could be a hallucination but deep down inside I know this is real. You have to believe me, I know how crazy thi--" I cut her off.

"I believe you, I seen her too. When I passed out in the council the other day, I was also I guess you can say in between life and death? I encountered my guardian angel and she showed me our house, she detected there was someone else within the house. I felt their presence, and they're not going to leave us alone."

"So what do you suggest us to do? Let this entity torment us? I mean, we have a little girl in this house. If this monster gets to her then what do you expect next?" Katherine asked

"I have no clue, quickly. Get Stacey and lie her on our bed, she sleeps with us every day until this entity is out of our lives for good. We may need a priest to bless this house, but I am not too sure how this is all going to turn out." I replied.

Katherine leaves our room to get Stacey and set her down on the bed, Stacey still looked adorable. I know deep down inside me she is the key to her conflict, a solution to this nightmare.

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