Ok Cool.

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When Thor was done with her hair it had been swept into twin dutch braids that cascaded down her back in a sea of (h/c) that stopped at her mid back. The two brothers walked their sister to the BiFrost, on of them on each side of her, protecting her from anything that might want to hurt her. When they reached the BiFrost, they waved slightly at Hiemdall before they were transported to earth.

The Avengers compound was all she had dreamed of from what her brothers had told her. Its was large and grand and like nothing she had ever seen. When they arrived, Thor had spoken, seemingly into thin air, and a woman's voice had answered! It was fascinating!

Then came meeting her brothers chosen family. The thought turned her stomach sour as it entered her head. They hadn't been made aware she even existed, let alone that she was here. From what her brothers had said, they wouldn't mind. But what if they did? She was just another mouth to feed and another body to clothe. It wasn't her place to just show up, but she couldn't stay on Asgard. Ok

She had been is relieved when her brothers burst through her door. After, they'd sat in the floor and held her until she could once again face the outside world. Now though, she thought she might just burst into tears. She held tightly to Loki's arm as Thor lead the way to the living room.

"I don't know if I can do this, Loki. I really don't." She whispered in his ear, squeezing his arm tighter as they approached the room.

"It'll be alright. I promise you that. I will not let any harm come to you. We are just going to let them know you're here. Then I'm going to take you to my room and you can sleep for a week." he murmured as they walked through the door way.

"Um, Thor? ol' buddy ol' pal? Whose the chick." A man with a glowing blue circle in the middle of his chest looked away from the TV and over to the three Asgardians.

"This is our younger sister (y/n)! She'll be staying with us for a while If that's alright." Thor looked around the room, seeing if anyone wasn't agreeing with it.

"Okay cool. I'll set up a room tomorrow."

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