Clint you dumbass

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⚠️Strong language⚠️

What the actual hell. Tony didn't understand what the fuck was going on. They had a sister-and he could understand why they had kept her from them- but why did they just show up now? Out of fucking no where?

Did something happen? Was it unsafe for her to remain on Asgard? Why did she just appear?

There were a thousand thoughts running through his head, his brain bouncing around like the DVD icon, trying to hit the corner perfectly but failing every time.

He felt a warm hand run down his spine in a comforting motion fingernails snagging slightly on the fabric of his shirt. Then
thick warm fabric was up around his shoulders, pulling him against as even warmer chest. When he looked up, Stephens eyes were still on Wanda, but his hand continued its soothing strokes on his back.

Tony happily nestled into his husbands side, his arms going up and around Stephens middle.

"Ok but is it rude to ask why she's here now?" Clint had a look on his face that said he already knew the answer to this question, he was just deciding to be a dumbass. Why? Tony had no idea

"Yes, that is rude legolas. Have some common sense. Something horrible bay have happened." It was the first time he'd spoken since he promised the girl a room, which FRIDAY was already working on so she would have her own space by tomorrow.

"Tony, you just like adopting strays. You're the real life Bruce Wayne. Superhero and everything!" He wanted to punch that damned archer, but the hand that had migrated to his hair made him pause.

"You're lucky I'm comfy asshole." Was all he said before he leaned his head onto his husbands shoulder and closed his eyes.

That was so short and it took so long and I'm so sorry. I have no excuse other than my Wattpad stopped letting me write and just now decided to let me but other than that it's just cause Imma lazy asshole and I'm sorry-

Anyway, I love you all very much and hope you all have a very nice day/night/ evening. Byeeeeeeeeee.


Hope y'all enjoyed! Love y'all


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