Chapter 1

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Virgil pov

Lately I've been feeling these strange feeling towards my roomate, Roman.
I've noticed how my stomach gets all fluttery when I'm around him and how my usual anxious facade starts to fade away. I still fell anxious around him, but it's in a good way.

I live in an apartment with Roman, Logan, and Patton. Patton is basically the dad of the group, always telling jokes an things like that. Logan is super intelligent but doesn't know how to deal with feelings. And then there's Roman.... The huge theatre nerd who just happens to be as handsome as Ryan Renolds himself.

Roman POV

How can he be so oblivious?!?!? I'm always going out of my way to do nice things for him like grabbing him an extra cup of coffee. SOMEHOW he STILL hasn't noticed that I like him!!!

He's just so cute! The way he curls up in a ball when he's sitting on the couch, his oversized sweaters that drape over his hand giving him sweater paws, the way he quietly hums along to his headphones. God! Why can't he feel the same?

I walk into the kitchen to see Patton doing the dishes. Logan and Virgil aren't home right now, which is good because I have something I need to ask Patton.

"Patton... have you ever had a crush on someone?" I ask him. Patton giggles a little "Why? Is this about Virgil?" "I - wha- how did you?!?" I stutter, blushing like an idiot. "Oh please, the only one who DOESN'T know is Virgil himself! Even Logan can tell and you know how he is with emotions." "Wow... am I that obvious? I mean I know I always dote on him and make sure he's comfortable and take any chance I can to be near him, but... Oh god! It is obvious isn't it?" Patton chuckles a bit at this. "Oh kiddo, you should just tell him already. It's pretty obvious that he likes you too!" "Ha, I wish!" I say before hearing the door click open. I rush back to my room.

Virgil,s POV

"Oh kiddo, you should tell him already. It's pretty obvious that he likes you too!" I hear Patton say as I walk up to our shared apartment. "Ha, I wish!" I hear Roman's voice say. Ugg! Of course he has a crush on someone! Who was I to think he'd like some loser like me. I open the door and rush to my room. "Hey kiddo, you okay?" I hear Patton call after me. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I grumble under my breath. "Okay, well tell me if you need anything!"  I grunt in response and place my headphones over my head.

Hey, so sorry if this was bad but it was my first fic. 😬
Anyways, I do appreciate constructive criticism but no hate plz. Anyways, I'll see you soon!

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