Prepping For The Journey

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"The journey to the land of hobgoblins will be a long one," said Elsa, "eat hearty tonight and rest. You will need your energy and strength." After eating a hearty dinner, Peter was guided to a guest room by Jarvis. "This is your room Mr. Parker," said Jarvis, "there are clothes that should fit you in that drawer. Should you need assistance, ring that bell, and I will be there to help."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Jarvis," said Peter. "Of course," said Jarvis, "and I'm glad you appreciate the hot chocolate. We don't normally have guests." He smiled a little and left the room. Peter took off his Spider-Man costume and changed into some comfortable pajamas that fit him surprisingly well. He then tucked himself into bed, his friends and family on his mind. He'd hoped Aunt May would be okay. Another thing on his mind was Elsa. He thought of her kindness and beauty, and he could relate to her on feeling different. "Wait, do I have a crush on the Queen?" Peter quietly asked himself, "Come on Parker, you only met her today... Besides, she's a royal queen, and you're just... You... Even if she liked me back, it probably wouldn't last... Not with my track record when it comes to girls... I'm probably too young for her anyway..." He sighed, and went to sleep.

The next morning, Peter woke up, fully re-energized. He saw that his Spider-Man costume was folded neatly. There was a note that said, "I took the liberty of drying and warming up your costume. I figured you'd appreciate that, as you seem attached to this costume. I also packed some clothes for your journey. -Jarvis." Peter smiled, thinking this Jarvis was generous. He put on some clothes that belonged to Kristoff, and they fit him rather snug.

He went over to the dining hall, and saw Elsa sipping some tea. "Ah Peter," she said, eying him, "what would you like to drink before we start breakfast? Tea or coffee?" Peter sat down next to her and said, "Coffee, please." The servant nodded and left. "How do I look?" asked Peter.  Elsa blushed and said, "You look rather handsome actually." She sipped her tea and said, "I've spoken with my sister about my plans to help you return home and help stop Thanos. She will keep an eye on the castle while I'm away to help you on your quest."

"Why do you want to help me stop Thanos?" Peter asked, "Not that I mind the help..." Elsa looked at Peter and said, "Thanos could discover multiple dimensions like mine, and try to decimate them for his mistress. I will not stand idly by if he hurts my people. This matters to me as it does to you." Peter nodded, understanding.

By then, Peter's coffee was served, and a breakfast fit for a king and queen was served to them. Peter and Elsa ate heartily, enjoying the breakfast. Afterwards, Elsa said her goodbyes to Anna, and she and Peter gathered their necessary items, and got on their horses, riding off. The horses guided Peter and Elsa along the countryside. Peter looked at the view, admiring the sight. "This is rather relaxing," said Peter. "Indeed, this is a pleasant view, " said Elsa, "it's not every day I get to ride on a horse. They're beautiful creatures." 

"I read that horses are extremely intelligent," said Peter, "my Uncle Ben always said that horses can take you just about everywhere." He smiled, thinking of those memories. Elsa smiled at Peter. She found talking to Peter was easy. "Hey Elsa, I get that you have ice powers and such," said Peter, "but were there times where you accidentally froze something? Like maybe you waded in the water, and your feet froze a lake?" Elsa chuckled and said, "Only once. But I've learned to control my powers." 

"Guess it's a real responsibility, eh?" asked Peter. "Yes, I suppose with great power comes great responsibility," said Elsa. They rode for several hours, and found they were out of Arendelle. If they played their cards right, they could make it to the land of hobgoblins in less than two days. It was now nighttime. "We should stop here," said Elsa as she got off her horse, "the horses need rest. It only seems fair that we stop to rest ourselves." Before Peter could ask how they would rest with no inn in sight, Elsa used her powers to create a mini log cabin, and a stable for the horses. Peter's jaw dropped in surprise. His look of surprise amused Elsa.

"I'll put the horses in the stable," said Elsa, "you go inside, okay?" Peter got off his horse and said, "No problemo." Elsa gently guided the horses to the stable, thinking Peter's use of words were sillier than Anna's. Peter got inside, impressed with Elsa's construction skills. He rolled out the sleeping bag he packed with, spreading it out to sleep in. Elsa came in with her sleeping bag. "Comfortable?" she asked. "Yeah," replied Peter, "Elsa, can I be honest with you?"

"Of course you can Peter," said Elsa as she gave a reassuring smile. "I'm honestly scared," admitted Peter, "I'm afraid I might fail in our endeavors to stop Thanos." Elsa held his hand and said, "It's alright to be afraid. It shows that you're still human. I used to be afraid of my powers for a long time. I was afraid I'd hurt my sister, especially since... She's all I have left..." 

"You and Anna are orphans?" asked Peter, earning a sad nod from Elsa, "I know what that's like, losing your parents..." Elsa looked at Peter and asked, "You do?" Peter nodded and said, "My parents died before I was a year old... I was raised by my aunt and uncle. Well, until my uncle died..." He thought about his Uncle Ben, and how responsible he felt for his uncle's death. "I suppose we both are marred with tragedy..." said Elsa, "But rest assured, we'll get through this together." Peter smiled and said, "Thanks Elsa. You know, despite the fact that you're a queen, I think you're a really good friend."

"I too am glad to consider you a friend, Peter," replied Elsa, "Let's rest. We'll start again at sunrise." Peter tucked into his sleeping bag and said, "Good  night Elsa." She smiled and said, "Good night Peter." She then tucked herself in. In a few minutes, Peter fell asleep. As Elsa watched him sleep, she debated with herself whether she had romantic feelings for him or not. 

Spider-Man Meets Elsa (A Marvel/Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now