Every Thursday is a new unfished story.

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Okie dokie Guys and Gals. I need you to realize I'm a nerd on aa keypad typing away making stories because I love writing, and putting my own spin on things. One Character you will see pop up a lot in my stories is a girl who legit shuts her heart away, in each story there will be a different reason. All the reasons are true, this chapter is based off an actual person, many people in fact. She will always go by a different name though and her personality will always switch. Now those of you who are still reading this thank you. This will help with your frustration of no character development. My shot stories will never end, I place in your hands a story that can turn from unfinished and heart breaking, to finished and bitter sweet. If you want me to finish a story, comment FINISH IT. I will respond and have a finished product to you with in the week. I'm posting every Thursday. Now That this rant is over let get to these short stories.

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