The One Where It All Started

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3rd POV

Tom Marvolo Riddle, or more commonly known as Lord Voldemort or The Dark Lord was walking up to Godric's Hollow. His eyes were glazed over and the full moon was shimmering brightly at the perigee of the night was reflected in his eyes. Tom simply looked like a walking dead man. As Tom was creeping up the driveway, the sounds of a small loving family could be heard.

"Harry, Godric! It's time for bed! Come On!" Lily shouted.

"No mama! It time for the boom! Boom! Fy! Fy! YIPPIE!" Godric squealed.

"Oh James, how much sugar did you give them?" Lily questioned,

James cowered at Lily's angry glare that was burning holes into his head. 

"Uh, not that much?" James Squeaked "I mean a few pieces here and there and well yeah?" 

By the time James answered the question, Tommy Boi was at the door. 


"James, honey. Who would that be? We are under the fidelius charm so no wizard except Peter should be able to find us and he wouldn't be up at this hour as well the muggles wouldn't be up either. Could you check through the window? And James honey, be careful." Lily spoke quietly



"I love you, James. I love you." And Lily ran off to the boy's bedroom hoping that she'd have enough time to run away.


Godric's Hollow front door crashed to the ground as the bombarda spell hit the door.

"Shiit, where's my wand," muttered James as he started to feel his pockets "Oh no..."

"STUPEFY!"  Tom-Tom dazedly said,

James was forcefully flung back into the wall landing onto the stairs before becoming unconscious. Tom slowly stepped over James without a glance to the body and continued looking on forward to Harry's and Godric's bedroom. In the bedroom could be heard continuous whispering.

"Harry, Godric... Mama loves you, Dada loves you,"

Suddenly, Tommy Boi bursts through the door and Lily gasps her quiet tears turning into loud sobs.

"PLEASE! Not my children...take me, me instead.."  sobbed Lily, spreading her arms out so that Tommy Boi couldn't reach Harry or Godric.

"Move away you dumb ho! You're useless as of this moment filthy Mudblood."

"NEVER!" Lily screams before trying to right hook Tommy Boi face.

She fails.

Tommy Boi then gracefully flicks his wand as yells, "CRUCIO"

Lily starts wriggling on the group like a 2 -legged centipede and soon enough passes out.

Then, Tommy Boi slowly walks over to the cot where Harry and Godric lay.

"Time for you to die, Potters" BunnyMort© whispers,

The room is filled with crying and screaming.

"MAMA! DADA!" screams Godric drooling everywhere.

"Mummy..." Harry sniffed, "Daddy...",

Voldemort starts to walk towards Harry and yells, "AVADA KEDARVA!"

The blinding, bright green light that was pointed at Harry missed him and hit a beam, making it fall and scratching Godric's cheek with a long line from his ear to the corner of his mouth making Godric start bleeding profoundly as well as making him pass out from exhaustion. 

Ickle little Voldy-kins soon repositions and again yells, "AVADA KEDARVA," at Harry but the spell faulters and bounces off Harry hitting Voldemold instead turning him into a spirit and flying off.

Soon it falls silent like the calm after the storm and Harry's Sniffles could only be heard before he too passes out from exhaustion.

Find out what happens in the next chapter that Marine Shark posts...

AN: Woooooow. I am spooked. Poor Harry. My friends and I wrote this so it is a bit stupid at times but it was fun to write lmao ;)  ENjOy. 

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