The One Where It Continued

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3rd POV

Sometime After Voldemort left as a spirit and Harry passed out from exhaustion, James started to awaken and soon rose from unconsciousness.

'Uhhhh...what happened...' Jamies moaned, ' VOLDEMORT! LILY! WHERE ARE YOU? Oh, no!"

James ran up the stairs narrowly missing a part of the shattered ceiling and bursts through the entrance way for the boy's bedroom. James soon sees Lily lying on the floor looking as if she's dead (and James being James started to shout), "LILS! LILY! OH NO! MY POOR LILY! HOW DARE SHE DIE!".

Lily slowly peels her eyes open to the noise and quicking gathers her surroundings before pushing James down to snap him out of the stupor.

"James! JAMES! Call Albus NOW! Quickly! Before we do anything!"

James quickly runs down and grabs flu powder before fire calling Albus.

"ALBUS! ALBUS! DUMBLEDORE! He was here-andhewasbigandweirdandvoldish-"

"James my boy! Calm down! I'm coming and as soon as I'm there you can tell me what happened. Okay?" 

"Yes, Okay. I'm sorry it's just HE was here" 

"It's fine, now go to your wife and children, I'll be there soon."

The fire call soon ends and James quickly sprints upstairs back to Lily and his children.

-Sometime After- 

As Elvis Dumbledore walked up the pathway to Godric's Hollow he continuously whispered and anyone that heard it would have been disturbed.

"Win, taken, gone, greater good..."  He continuously mumbled and soon he found himself at the potters front door. 

He straightened himself out and walked in quickly surveying the damage before going to Harry and Godric's bedroom.

AN: Well, Uh, I've had this part ready for a while but I keep forgetting and wasn't bothered to posttt. I know it's short but I've written a bit of the next chapter so it will be up sooon. I also Left it at an awkward part so have fun with that.

Here's a Cookiee! 🍪

Happee Early New Year! 🎉

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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