When you find out you are immune to the infection

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You have been inside the garage for 5 hours and you knew you wouldn't last that long. You were in the garage with Nick, Rhonda, and Dick. You roll up your sleeve and look at your bite and see it is almost healed. You say "What the hell!" Nick runs over to you and says "What's wrong?" You say "Nick look at my bite." Nick looks at your bit and sees what you are seeing and says "Rhonda, Dick you need to see this." Rhonda and Dick run in and sees your arm and says "What the hell!" You say "It looks like i'm immune to the infection" Nick says "That's good at least." You smile at Nick and Nick smiles at you. Rhonda and Dick says "We are glad you will be able to survive longer." You say "Me too." Rhonda and Dick walk back into the garage and it was only you and Nick. Nick hugs you and you hug him back and Nick says "I'm glad you are still alive." You say "Thank you Nick and i am glad too." You and Nick stay like this till you had to help Rhonda.

Dead Rising 3 Nick Ramos x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang