When you and Rhonda walk back and stop the fight

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Before you and Rhonda went back into the room, Rhonda wanted you to wear a dress and you wearing heels to make you comfortable. You and Rhonda walk back into the room and you see your dad and Nick still fighting. You could Nick was covered in blood from fighting. Rhonda says "(Y/N) you gotta stop this." You stomp your foot and yell "STOP!" Soon everything went silent and your dad and Nick stopped fighting. Frank says "What the hell was that?" You and Rhonda run into the room. You never told them but you can yell pretty loud to shut everyone up. Frank says "Who was that?" You put your hand on your hip and say "That would be me." Your dad, Nick, Annie, Rhonda, Isabella, Frank, and Dick looks at you shocked. Your dad says "How can you yell that loud?" You say "That's something i don't know but i don't know how i got it." You start to feel dizzy and you walk over to the work bench and put your hand on the workbench to hold you up. You put your hand on your stomach and you say "Rhonda i'm dizzy." Rhonda says "Shit!" Your dad and Nick says "What is wrong with her Rhonda?" Rhonda sighs and says "It's one of the side effects." Your dad says "A side effect from what?" You knew you would have to tell them and you were scared to tell your dad.

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