Chapter forty two

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Lucas' pov

My alarm went off at 5.30 am the next morning. I was starting to work again, and I am a little nervous. After I confronted Alex when Maya found Jason, he lost his job, and I think Ethan took over for him.

Anyways, I carefully pushed Maya off me even though I knew that she would wake up soon to throw up aways. But I couldn't bare waking her up.

I started my daily pushups and sit-ups straight away, so I'd be done with it. I heard a little giggle and looked over at the bed, my eyes locking with Maya.

She was putting up her hair in a ponytail and watching me workout. "Did I wake you up?" I whisper asked, and continued with the last few sit-ups.

"I didn't feel your arms around me anymore, so I guess I woke up cuz' of that." Maya whispered back. I smiled and stood up, walking over to the bed and bending over to place a kiss on her plump lips.

"I'm gonna go change and get some breakfast. Do you want some?" I asked her as she traced her fingers on my jaw and down my neck.

She nodded before her eyes looked at the huge love bite on my neck. "Oh gosh.." she chuckled, "I'm getting better at the hickey making!"

I chuckled too, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear as she stood up on her knees. I kissed her cheek, and started to make my way down her neck to her sweet-spot. I sucked, kissed and bite her skin, marking her mine like she'd marked me.

"Lucas.." she moaned and I pushed her back onto the bed. "Stay here and I'll get you some breakfast before I leave." I said and she cuddled with the covers.

"Good luck, babe. I know you'll do well." Maya said as I pulled away from the hug. "I love you, be careful." She quickly added and stole a kiss.

"Darling, I'll be home in six hours, don't worry. And if you need to throw up more or need help with anything at all, text me. And my mom said you can call her whenever too." I told her and she smiled, nodding.

I walked over to Jason, who was still asleep because it got very late last night. "I love you, buddy." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I found myself smiling at him before I straightened up and looked at Maya who was biting her lip trying hard not to cry.

I couldn't watch that, so I quickly grabbed her and kept her close. "I'm sorry, it's just the pregnancy." She mumbled and I pulled away, kissing the tip of her nose as she fixed my shirt.

"Don't worry, and I hate leaving you alone, but it'll be fine. We're getting back to normal."

"Starting fresh." Maya said.

I smiled at her, earning a smile from her as well. "Okay, now go before I won't let you." She suddenly said and I chuckled.

"Bye, babe. Love you."


Authors pov

Around noon Maya and Jay send Lucas a short video on snapchat. Lucas immediately answered, telling a million times how much he loved them and how he had exciting news.

He also told Maya that he'd be gone a little longer than planned because of three piles of paperwork and the paparazzi.

"Mommy?" Jason called from the living room. Maya was currently cleaning up the mac n cheese dinner, the Friar boys favorite, but put things aside as she heard her son.

"Yes, buddy?" She asked as she dried her hands on a towel walking out to him.

She met a pair of sleepy green eyes from across the room, and immediately felt sleepy herself. "I'm tired." He said and she picked him up.

"Oh, here let's take a nap on the couch shall we?" She asked, putting him down on the couch and pulled a blanket over him.

He rubbed his eyes before cuddling into the same blanket Lucas had put on Maya all those weeks ago. Maya started humming the lullaby she always sings to Jay when he is going to sleep.

The clock was half past six. Lucas was supposed to be home four and a half an hour ago, since his first day was only a half day. Not anymore though.

I pushed Jay's long hair from his face and pulled the blanket further up. He was asleep, out like a light.

A little chuckled left my lips and I turned off the tv before walked back to the kitchen.

After cleaning up the last bit, she pulled out her phone scrolling through her Instagram feed for a little while.

Things in that world is so different from the life of Maya Hart, but she was not jealous. Her life was the best she could ask for.

As that thought ran through her head, she heard a car pulled up in the driveway. Maya immediately put down her phone and ran over to the door, opening it up to crash her eyes into the love of her life's eyes.

"Huckleberry!" She whisper screamed of happiness, earning a cute laugh from Lucas.

"Hi." He said and holding her body close to his.


I held onto him like it was no tomorrow. A tear escaped my eye as he pulled away. "Don't cry, my love. I'm right here." He said.

I put my index finger over his lips, licking my own pair before hinting over to Jason. Lucas smiled softly and nodded.

"Well then, I might as well take the chance to do this." He whispered with lust in his eyes.

His lips crashed onto mine after he had dropped everything he was carrying, pushing me backwards as our lips moved in sync.

As my back hit the counter, Lucas slowed down the pace and pulled away shortly after. He smiled, resting his forehead against mine.

"Jump." He said seductively.

I did as I was told and he placed me on the counter this time. "How's the little one doing?" He asked, slipping a hand under my sweater to caress my growing belly.

"Great. We're great." I answered and placed my hands on top of his.

"Bigger than last night." Lucas smirked and I chuckled. After we put Jason to sleep last night, we had some fun. Not too much fun, just some normal boyfriend and girlfriend cuddles.

"Yeah. I can't believe it though. It's actually real."


"The pregnancy. I can see it now. How our kid is growing inside of me. Unbelievable." I smiled just as proudly as the proud smile forming on Lucas face.

"Yeah, it's marvelous isn't it," his eyes lit up every time we talked about it, "..I can't wait till we find out the sex of our child."

"I think it's a girl. I can feel it. But at the same time, I'd be just as happy if it's a boy."

"Same. But the girl would be so very very beautiful. Like, look at her mom. Damn!" Lucas said making me blush.

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