part 1. heart break

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1) loves is fucked

Dont know what I did to deserve that
You brought me happiness when I shouldn't feel happiness
You made me smile when I hated smiling
You made me sad when I shouldn't be sad

How could I let you get so close to me
Then allow you to walk all over me
Like I was nothing but roadkill
Roadkill left for dead
Never remembered and never relevant

Those words lead to cuts,
Again and again
Couldn't ever stop
But they fade away, and your let off free
But the mental scar is worse
The scar that stains my heart, my brain
Anything that allows me to feel something has the scar

I don't know what it's going to take for you to know
That your not the only one I left those nights
I left myself, worse than I left you
I can't find myself anymore
With you I came back
But nothing changed.

My head screams you don't care
My head screams I don't care
I'm holding on to my last take of love
Because I'm sick of always being treated the same

Everything's great until I'm hurt
You promise you'll keep me safe, keep me shelter when I don't feel strong
But you shit down and don't stop
You Don't stop writing and writing
Each word a dagger in my heart

And I'm left alone. With the realisation that love is fucked

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