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Hello readers, 

if you haven't read the first book in this series 'Gentle Disarray' I suggest you do so before reading this one! 

Recount from the last book: 

(If you haven't read the last book this is major spoilers)

Sakura the daughter of Kizashi Haruno the last Haruno mob boss, made acquaintances with Sasuke Uchiha the boss of the Uchiha mafia clan, Sakura was later taken by the Akatsuki (A massive mafia mob) for the purpose of using the Byakugan (A plant only known to grow on the Hyuuga mafia's land) whilst being held prisoner she meets Hinata the 'Hyuuga Princess' who has been taken captive for over 6 months enduring daily torture, so that her family will continue providing Byakugan to the Akatsuki. Sakura eventually is forced and pressured into helping create this drug and is successful. However Sasuke and Naruto show up in the attempt to save Sakura, even though they eventually get caught themselves and are tortured, Sasuke is forced to choose between Sakura or Naruto to live. Meanwhile Hinata has been left alone in the room where all the experimenting has been going on, she is thought to be harmless and useless. Although weak from her endless torture Hinata is determined to make a difference, she destroys all the experimenting and burns all traces of the trials for the drug and the byakugan around her, only taking a single piece  in her pocket for an emergency, afterall the Byakugans true secret purpose is its magical ability to heal a person. While the Akatsuki are attempting to put the fire out Hinata manages to free Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto and tells them to go while she buys them time, Sasuke eventually escapes with Sakura protected unknowingly by his older brother Itachi who is thought to be deceased. While Naruto goes back in the attempt to rescue the dark haired woman who saved him. Madara the boss of the Akatsuki is on the lose wreaking havoc and on his way to world domination, no one can stand in his way, or can they? 

Although 'Gentle Disarray' was mainly Sasusaku with a little Naruhina 'Soft Disarray' will be mainly Naruhina with a little Sasusaku because ya! Unless y'all want more Sasusaku but ya it will have both! 

please enjoy the story! 

Soft Disarray (Book 2 in the Naruto Disarray series)Where stories live. Discover now