Chapter Eight : Farah Umair

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Dedicated to @Rahmabil for her very cute comments! Thanks so much sis ^_^.

Enjoy the ride.


Chapter Eight

Farah Umair

There are times when I just want to take out all my anger and frustration on the animate and inanimate objects around me. I want to shout and scream at the top of my lungs. I want to release all the anger and irritation and frustration trapped inside me. I want to smash and kick and punch and break and do everything that will convince the onlookers that I am nothing but a nutty person who has recently run away from a mental hospital.

That’s exactly how I am feeling right now.

But, much to the benefit of those around me, I didn’t do any of these things. May be because I was way too worn out that it took me every ounce of energy to prevent my eyes from shutting close every now and then. Or may be because in spite of the rage bubbling inside me, I was still sane enough to realize that I am in my school, and displaying violent behavior is against the rules over here.

But both these reasons were not enough to stop me from sending out constant vibes of hatred towards every person within the radius of ten meters around me.

You might ask me the reason for this fuming state of mine. Well, there are many.

It turns out that I am a very studios student, and waking up till late at night is not my cup of tea. Sleep is necessary for me (and for every other living being, as much as I know), and when I don’t get my daily dose of sleep, people should better maintain their distance from me if they don’t want to end up in a hospital with a broken leg or a broken arm. Now don’t look at me like that, I am not a violent person – most of the time. But irritation and fury can make people insane, right? However, my siblings don’t really care for this routine of mine. They’re cruel and vicious people that should have never been born. But, they exist, just like how you and me do, and they have a single goal for which they’re working with full hard work and determination: Make Farah’s life hell.

So yeah, when Aafreen dropped me at my house, I had hardly removed my sandals when Mariam pulled me out of the house again, against my wish, and dragged me to the car, and drove me to a mall so that I could assist her in her shopping for some friend’s birthday party.

As if I would. Or, as if I could. I don’t know the ABC of shopping. But, as she said – and I would quote her exact words – ‘experience will, one day, come in handy. You come with me, you’ll see me shopping, and you’ll learn. So simple’.

So did I have a choice? Nope.

Hence, I ended up spending three long hours (if it were not for my alertness, Mariam was planning to waste a few more) moving from one aisle to another, and (uselessly) trying to pull her back to the car. And finally when I did succeed in dragging her back to the car and reaching home, it was late enough to make me go crazy at her.

But, I controlled my anger and logged on to Skype, where I had a detailed conversation with Rabiya. I was nervous. Very very nervous.

However, just like how Aafreen had predicted, she didn’t stay angry for long and forgave me quite happily. Then, acting upon Aafreen’s advice, we talked for half an hour more, discussing about this and that and other girly topics of here and there. When I did hang up, it was eleven P.M, enough time to give me a heart attack. And the fact that I had Mathematics homework to finish nearly gave me a heart failure.

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