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A young blonde haired girl begins to cry and weep as her mother signs her up for a camp, the girl didn't want to go because of her unliking of the creatures that inhabited their world called Pokémon. This young girl was named Serena and of the age of 7. She was the daughter of the famous racer Grace Yvonne. Her mother kissed the young girl and departed, Serena left in tears, decides to run into the forest nearby.

The young girl started to slow down and walk to calm herself down until she hears a noise from a bush nearby. Assuming the worst she begins to run again, she then tripped on a tree root. Serena tried to get up, but couldn't due to the injury she just sustained. She went began to cry again and continued to struggle. She had no luck as the sound grew louder and closer she gave up and cried harder and looked at the bush with the rustling. Then a small polywag emerged from the bushes and Serena just sighed of her luck.

She then heard a larger noise and started to cry again, then a boy similar to her age, emerged calling out for the Pokémon she just saw. He never found the Pokémon and instead found the girl staring back at him. The two shared a glance. The boy then approached the girl and introduced himself as Ash and smiled. Serena just stared at him in awe.

Ash then asked her what her name was, this snapped the young girl out of her daydream, But she didn't respond, Ash smiled and said to her that it wasn't important. He then grabbed a handkerchief from out of his pocket and tied it around the wound. He then smiled and went to help her up. She was caught off guard by this, she then took the hand he offered. He pulled her into an embrace and this lasted a few seconds. He pulled away and asked if she could walk. She tried and fell, soon after she began to cry again. Ash smiled and told her "never give up till the end" she heard this and got a confident look in her eyes. She tried again but stumbled. Ash then helped her up and assisted her by taking some of the weight off. The two then began to walk out of the forest hand in hand. Serena unable to express anything just turned to him and whispered thank you. Ash never heard it but still smiled and Serena took it as if he got the message.

Serena never forgot that quote and later chased after him when he arrived in Kalos. But what happened before they met in Kalos.... whatever happened at that faithful camp?

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