Celia x Snape

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"Cat! Where's my cat!!" Celia wailed on her knees, "Cat in the hat!! My cat!! He's gonnnee!!"

"Looking for something." A slow snarky sexy voice said from behind her.

Celia whipped her head around, seeing professor Snape, more like professor Sexy!

"Oh hey!" Celia blushed at her cool professor.

"HeeeEy.." Snape smiled slowly with love.

"You're hair. I've told you about this before. I love how it's so greasy." Celia whispered.

Snape took one hand, and gently ran it down his scalp, smelling his greasy fingers.

Celia did the same to her own hair, and frowned, "My hair isn't even half as greasy as yours, how do you get your hair to be so perfect."

"You." Snape said.

"What?" Lilly was standing far off looking scared, horrified, confused, and literally like she just saw Ricegum poop right in front of her.

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