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I sat, a bit confused and dazed on the pavement outside my trailer, waiting for Rami to return.
As I said before, I work with Rami - we're both actors but I'm only an extra compared to him being the main role.
I wonder where he'd gone? Maybe he was trying to find one of my friends to come get me and take me home or something.
I peered into the distance and I could see him returning.
"Hey." He said "I've spoken to the director and he's agreed to let me take you home."
This took me by surprise because I didn't think he'd care enough to take me home. Like, why didn't he just go get one of my friends? I thought it was a bit odd that he was suddenly offering to take me home despite us never talking to each other before today but I didn't really mind - it would be nice to get to know him even if he was just walking me home.

Time Skip

We reached my apartment and my heart sunk, knowing we'd soon have to part ways. I wasn't quite ready to let him go though so I decided I'd try to prolong the time I had with him as much as possible.
"Hey, uh do you want to come in? Do you want some coffee or something?"I murmured.
"Oh, um, yeah sure"
I let myself in and lead him up the stairs to one of the top flats.
We drank our coffee in silence, not really knowing what to say. Eventually, we finished and he stood up, starting to get ready to leave.
"I best be off then, uh I hope you'll be alright."
"Wait no, please stay Rami." I blurted out, surprised by my own boldness.
"Umm... I mean, if you don't mind of course. It's been a tough day and I really don't want to be alone. I can sleep on the couch I just don't want to be alone in the house."
"No I couldn't possibly take your bed, anyway, isn't it a double? We could just share couldn't we? I don't mind."
This took me by surprise and my heart started pounding, excited over the idea of us sleeping together, even if it was just him being nice.

We got ready for bed then as it was already late. I made him turn around as I got changed despite not really wanting to.
"You can turn back now."
I did the same while he got changed but to my surprise, when I turned back round, he was just wearing boxers and a t shirt - no pyjama shorts. Not that I was complaining though. I bit my lip at the sight of his large bulge but resisted saying anything. We climbed into bed and wished each other good night.

Time skip

He looked so peaceful, sleeping there. He was rolled over so that he was facing towards me and his face looked more gorgeous than ever. I slowly drifted into a daydream of a scenario where we got together and without realising it, started tracing the outline of his lips with my finger.
They were so warm and smooth that it was almost hypnotising. I looked down and saw with a shock that he had his eyes open.
"Oh my god sorry... I...."
I was cut off by his lips meeting with mine. It took me completely by surprise and I pulled back in shock.
"What the..?" I exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh... sorry.... um.... I must've thought you liked me or something I'm so sorry"
I was taken aback. I had no idea he liked me.
"No no I really like you I'm sorry I was just shocked. I've actually liked you for forever"
I leaned in and kissed him back. He kissed me back harder and pushed his tongue to my mouth's entrance, seeking permission. I granted it and our tongues fought over dominance for a while.
All at once, I was overcome with lust and flipped him over onto his back. I slowly crawled on top of him and whipped his shirt off, tracing my fingers across his abs and feeling his muscles tense in satisfaction.
I slowly let me fingers trace lower and lower until they were over his boxer shorts. On touch, he let out a soft moan letting me know he was enjoying it. He didn't need to let me know though, I could already feel a bulge forming. I slowly started palming and rubbing his crotch and to my satisfaction, I could feel it lengthening and stiffening under my hand.
"F-fuck" He uttered.
I continued until I knew he was on edge then finally I tore my own shirt off and both our underwear until there was no longer anything between us. I continued to move my hand up and down his shaft. Finally, he regained dominance and flipped me back over onto my back.
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
Even as he asked it I could see the strain of holding back showing on his face.
"God yes I'm sure."
He laid me down on the bed, spreading my ass cheeks as he slowly started to enter me.
I hadn't had much experience so it would take a moment for me to adjust to his size.
I moaned as a sharp pain hit me.
"Are you ok? I don't want to hurt you?"
"I'm fine just get on with it"
Eventually, the pain subsided into pleasure and he started rocking back and forward, gently at first and then rougher and more desperate. I started panting as the deeper he went, the more he hit that one spot that drove me crazy.
"God- I... I think I'm almost there" I whimpered.
"Me too" he responded in an almost strangled voice.
He pulled out of me, until only the tip was still inside me and then quickly thrusted back in, faster and with more force than before.
I could feel my walls tightening around him and then suddenly he pulled out, leaving me gasping with the sudden emptiness in me.
I groaned in exasperation.
He flipped me back over onto my front and our eyes locked. While still making eye contact with me, he started lowering himself me until we were both comfortable and he could start thrusting.
As his thrusts grew faster, he started making out with me again, only much sloppier and full of lust this time.
With one extra forceful thrust I felt myself clamp over him and gasped in shock as I released, my orgasm washing over me in waves.
He pumped into me a few last times but sloppier and messier as I knew he was also nearing his end.
With one final messy thrust I felt him quiver and so I knew he was about to let go. Finally, he released into me with a loud moan and collapsed onto his back, waiting for the orgasm to subside.
"God that was amazing."
I nodded my head in agreement, in a world of my own due to the bliss I felt of the thought of him actually liking me back. I nuzzled my head onto his chest and started playing with his hair.
"Just so you know, you were never invisible to me - I always watched you from afar I just never knew how to talk to you"
I didn't hear the last part though as I had fallen asleep on top of him, entwined with his limbs.

A/N sorry the last part is so soppy but eh whatever

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