chapetewer 5

235 5 17

So preggers I hid with big big hoodie it work

I went go kiss bf but he not their??? I go to his rum and he no there, it some greesy Snape dude wot???¿??!!!¡!!!

"Y u in me bf room?" I akse

"Im steling yr man's"

"Wot nuuuuu" I cri

"I am simply just jesting! Dear child, did you honestly think I would date that peculiar male pre-adolescent?"

"Ur bade gay of korse u wod" I see

"No, of course not! I would NEVER!" he exclaimed

"U lie" I say

"Whether or not you believe me is entirely up to you. However, the sun is shining upon me, and I must take my leave. Fare thee well."

"What happen her? I wonder"


"My designation is Loki Laufeyson, Odinson, of Asgard, and Jotunheim, God of Mischief. Though it saddens me to do so, I really must part ways with you."

He bow and kiss me hand?????? I blosh.

"Huh, he say, ur hand taste liek porple graps. Me liek"

I blush harder and jump away. "Where is hsekrk3ly?! I aske"

"He is somewhere where he will never disturb us, my love," he whispers.

"What??" I ask

"Accompany me. I shallt leadeth thee to thy young beau."

I flush relizing he have britsh aksent heccing sexy I thunk wagle eybrows

"Okie Lokee" I say "I troost u"

"Dade say trost strnagres"

Loki smiled softly, emerald orbs twinkling in the sunset's golden light.

"Then come along Starkson, and let us venture forth into his cell"

"Cell?" I akse

"I-I meant current residence" Loki spluttered, pale wax-like face flushing delicately.

"By the way," I say, descending the steps with our arms entangled, "it's acshully thanoson."

Loki blinked, orbs filled with SURPRISE and an undetectable glimmer. It looked like his emerald eyes were aflame, like compost set alight at midnight.

"Oh, that's even better" be whispered, voice growled.

I blunk uncomfrtebly but say nothing.

When we arrived in the basement, we saw bad thing.

"Harelie what happen?!" I screem at him. He blody and chaned to wall.

"It—it was... h-him" he breth weekly.

I turn abrotptly an d shoke to see loke smirking.

"What? U think this funne?" I screem

"Oh, indeed I do," Loki whispered, voice bubbling. "You see, dear, all along, it was I whom you embraced. It was I who whispered sweet nothings into your ear. It was I who kissed you at last. It is I who fathered your twins."

"T-twinsw?" I breth

"Yes," Loki exhaled, orbs burning with passion and hatred. "And I intend to kill him, right before your very eyes."

a/n o no what happen to jnoghoh? finde out nescet chapterted

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