chaahptere 7 -- the ned ofg all thinkgs

271 9 15

"Y-you cante do thsi!" I screem

"Oh, but I can," Loki chortled.


"Oh, are you calling for your Thaddy? That's a shame. See, he won't listen to you. Not when I'm in the vicinity. Last time we met, he—well, let's just say the white carpet is always going to be purple henceforth."

"e-Weewww G-gros" I whine

"Ooh, careful, that's your father you're talking about," Loki chastised.

"J-JoJo," hareky whispered softly.

"What is it?" I aske

"I-im not—" he koffs—"I'm not who u think o am "

I am shoked. "What? Who r u?!!!"

"I am Arno Stark, and I was put here to protect you and keep you from the truth."

I fall onto my fat ass in shoke.

"I didn't do a very good job of it, it seems," Anro said with a laffe, rubbing his wrosts as he had broke free some tiem agoo.

"Eha—unkle Arno?" I CRI "but haoeew? Ehy WOD u pretend be my bf?"

"Your boyfriend never existed, JoJo. He is but a figment if your imagination."

He nodded to Loki, flexing his muscular wrists.

Loki nodded his head, greasy raven feather strands flitting about his head like wet squid ink noodles. "We all are."

Suddenly, everything's around me fades away, imploding and evanescing in a single instant that seemed to stretch on for eternity whilst also being painfully short.

Everything blinks out of existence, taking me, and my extreme bemusement, along with it.

"J—" I here "jooojooo!"

I blink my eyes open.

"O thank goodness shes awake"

"W-w-w-w-w-what happen?" I ask. My voice surprise deeprt.

"You were in coma for 50 years" person say


"Yes, child. You are Joelle Joanie Carter-Rogers-Barnes, daughter of Steve and Bucky, and me, and you supposedly died 49 years ago."

"W-who are you?"

The speaker—a pretty woman, bathed so fully in ethereal light that it seemed to emanate from her core—smiled softly, eyes crinkling at the edges.

"I am Peggy Carter. I am your biological mother."

I blink. "M-mom? How are you here?"

Peggy sighed. "I'm not. I am merely a hologram left behind to guide you."

I blinked sadly. "Oh," u say.

"But child," peg days, "I do not exist either."

Suddenly, everything goes black.

I wake up again, but it's still dark. There is something beside me, writhing, kicking, yearning, screaming to escape. I am warm, and I am comfortable, but they are so desperate that I must oblige them and their ever empowered will. I kick, smaking the slimy wall before me. We kick, and kick, and kick, and claw, until finally, the strange substance gives, and the being of such divine passion springs forth. I crawl slowly in their wake, haunted, confused, blinded by the sudden influx of light—for the scream, reverberating throughout wherever it was we had entered, was my own. I turn around, eyes wild, to meet my own face. It is pale, pained, drenched in blood, and falls slowly backward as it is vacated of all consciousness. I look down. I see a tiny torso, one attached to me, emerging from the bulging, bloody stomach that had once been my own. My breaths increased, my eyes grew wide,, and my stomach leapt to my throat. I fainted, one thought reverberating endlessly throughout my mind.

I have birthed myself.

JoJo Siwa as an AVENGERWhere stories live. Discover now