My Father

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Trist's POV

When I went into the house cautiously, hoping my father wouldn't see me. Of course, he was on his computer in the living room, which means there was no way to go to my room without passing by him. He looked up at me when I walked in.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I nodded then he sighed. His eyes brightened until he looked at the time and frowned. "My girlfriend will be here soon." He got up and walked over to me. He towered over me. He reached out and ruffled my hair, his hand lingered on my head. "Maybe we can have some father and son time this weekend. Just you and me." I shrugged then ran to my room.

I laid on my bed, feeling myself drifted off into a deep sleep.


I opened my eyes, finding that I was no longer in my room. I was in a classroom. There was no teacher or students, I noted looking around. I saw someone in the very back of the classroom. I walked over to them, the distance between us seemed endless.

When I was almost there, I noticed who it was Fintan. I walked towards him and stopped right in front of the desk. He eyed me as I stood.

"Yes? Did you want something?" I didn't really know why I had come over there so I shook my head no and turned to walk away . He lightly grabbed my wrist to keep me from walking away. I tensed at the shock of his touch.

"Don't leave, I don't want you to wake up yet." So I'm asleep? He seemed to know what I was thinking and nodded. "Yes this is the only way you'll allow me to talk to you. I'm not going to give up, you know?" I nodded. I had seen the determination in his face earlier today. He stood up closed the distance between us. My eyes widened at the shocks coming from our lower bodies touching.

"I'm not going to give up." He leaned down kissing me lightly. He kept kissing me, his tongue running over my lips. It managed to get me hard so I tried to pull away from him. His hold on me got tighter then he released me, sighing. "I'm not going to give up." He repeated. That's what I'm afraid of, I thought. Then, I woke up.


I opened my eyes to hear a loud mouth. Great, it's my dad's girlfriend. My stomach growled loudly. I sighed, remembering I need food to live then headed into the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw something I knew I'd regret seeing forever. My dad's girlfriend, let's call her the bitch, the bitch was sprawled on our kitchen table with my dad hovering over her. The bitch gasped and my father looked up at me, he's eyes searching my face, as if he was trying to decide how much of it I saw.

No longer feeling hungry, I turned back around and went outside to check the mail. On my way outside, I saw a man with a beat up face yelling into the phone. It was something about someone named Adam leaving. I tuned the man out and opened the mailbox. I saw one letter addressed to me. I dreaded opening it, having a good idea who it was from but I opened it anyways. As I suspected, inside it was addressed to Mother's Baby. Great, my mother sent another letter.

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