New Home and Big Hit

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"MinMin I swear to god you need to unpack the rest of your art supplies! I keep tripping over the box! This is like the eighth time this week!" Minjae whined childishly from the floor as he rolled over to his back and laid there, feeling side ache from his fall.

Minseon popped her head out from her new bed room with paint splats on her hair and clothing as she took in the sight of her older brother on the ground before raising an eyebrow at him. "Well maybe if someone actually wore they're glasses and paid attention to where they were walking you wouldn't be falling over so much." She said sassily before ducking as paintbrush from her art supply box was thrown at her. "Rude!"

"Then actually move your box into your room!"
"Fine fine, I will. Yeesh, a girl can't paint her room in peace."
"You can if you don't leave your stuff out."

The younger girl rolled her eyes before walking out of her room as she picked up the box, holding it with one arm as she helped her older brother up with the other, complaining when he ruffled her already messy hair. Quickly leaving the box on a desk in her room, she comes back out as she plops herself on the rug the two had set in their living room area a couple of days after they moved in claiming it was finally time to treat themselves.

"Yah, Minseon-ah, aren't you due to meet the man from the agency soon so he can give you a tour of the building soon?" Minjae asked his younger sister as he dug around their fridge for a snack to eat, pulling out some grapes, popping one in his mouth as he waited for Minseon to answer.

"Yeah, but that's not until three in the evening."
"Yah pabo, it's already thirty before three. Don't you still have to shower an-"

Minjae blinked in shock as he witnessed the flash appear before his eyes as he was looking at his younger sister laze about on the floor to her gone in the blink of eye and could hear the shower start up.

Minjae just stayed in his position, leaned up against the counter top munching away on grapes as he soon heard the shower shut off and stuff in their bathroom falling as he assumed his younger sister was probably scrambling about to try and make herself look somewhat presentable.

Eventually he heard her bed room door shut and looked at his worn out watch to see she had managed to wash herself in thirteen minutes. His mouth tilted downwards as he nodded his head semi-impressed with his sister speed before pushing himself from the kitchen counter, getting a plastic baggy ready, an air of calmness surrounding him as he began stuffing the bag with some grapes he already pulled out from the stem before mixing in some strawberries he decided to grab from the fridge.

Once he finished he looked for the small lunch box he bought Minseon when he went out to the corner-store for the first time to buy ramen for their first dinner at their new home. Once he found it he placed the small bag of grapes and strawberries in before adding a small water bottle and a bag of chips before adding an ice pack to keep everything cool, zipping it up. Walking over to the entrance way, he grabbed Minseon's bag and stuffed the lunchbox inside before slipping her some pocket money just in case as he waited by the door.

No more than two minutes later he could hear her door being flung open, hitting the wall with a loud thud causing the boy to sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose before giving a look at his younger sister who slid on the wood flooring into his view. "Minseon-ah we just moved here, don't break the door or the wall in your rush please." He reprimanded her as she shoved her feet into her favorite pair of converse, quickly tying up the laces not caring if they were messy or not.

Minseon quickly grabbed her keys from the key hook and her bag from her brother, reaching up on her tiptoes as he leaned down for her, allowing the younger to give him a kiss on the cheek before running out their front door, passing the elevator and towards the stairwell.

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