pt. 1 / 2

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Sure, Soonyoung and Jihoon have been dating for approximately 1 month now, coming 2. Students had gradually found out about their relationship one by one when Jihoon was found hanging out with Soonyoung, and the taller had kissed Jihoon on the forehead.

Guess you could say, Jihoon wasn't well-liked in this school. He was quiet, had no friends other than Hansol and Seungkwan, and only made music alone in the music room, sometimes with his only two friends. It makes more sense that girls and boys from their school would continue to flirt and ask Soonyoung out everyday, since Jihoon was just a nobody to them.

It was still a Monday morning when Soonyoung had received his 4th invitation to go out with some person he didn't know.

Soonyoung can't be blamed for it though, he was still the most popular, most rich, and most talented student in their school. He was the captain of the dance team and his father owned many properties, including their school.

Just how did Soonyoung end up with someone like Jihoon?

People would ask every single day, purposely asking out loud whenever Jihoon walks by the corridor. Soonyoung would just tighten his hold around Jihoon's shoulder whenever it happened.

But Jihoon would ask himself too. Why, of all people, him? Lee Jihoon, a nobody, just someone that makes music that probably sounded terrible, music only complimented because of pity? Was Soonyoung only dating him out of pity too? Sure, he wasn't the one who asked the other out, Soonyoung did, but that doesn't mean Soonyoung liked him sincerely too. It could have been a dare from his friends, because, why would Soonyoung want him anyway?


Jihoon mentally thanked the bells for ringing and alerting students that it was time for lunch. He hurriedly packed up his things and ran out of the classroom, not wanting to be near the horrible classmates he had anymore.

He hadn't been in the same class as Soonyoung, so it was kind of easier to hide the fact that Jihoon was getting bullied. This morning, Jihoon walked in to see his familiar desk that was vandalised with words that seemed triggering. The teacher didn't really care that much about it though, since he was just a nobody afterall.

"-oonie! Baby-" Jihoon hears Soonyoung get cut off by some girl. "Soonyoung oppa, I really like you a lot-"

Jihoon strides off to the music room.


For some reason, sometimes, suddenly
I keep thinking these days
How happy I am, how beautiful you are
About us, who is second to none

If we ever become unhappy
Some day
If we become apart
What do I do?
Of course, that won't happen

"...Will it happen, though...?" Jihoon sadly thinks. It's quite obvious. Jihoon wasn't worth it for Soonyoung. He's not like the taller. Beautiful, tall, talented, loveable, rich, amazing, cheerful, and every other positive word to describe him.

Perhaps, he was just overthinking.

Maybe Soonyoung would still choose him over others.

Maybe, he won't.

Maybe he would choose someone better, rich, beautiful, talented, loveable, amazing and cheerful like he is.

Jihoon was none of those.

"It's a fact," He thinks, "it's a fact that I'm not worth it for someone great like Kwon Soonyoung."

He hadn't realised that the door had shut silently, or the fact that his said boyfriend was beside him right now as he wrote down the emotional lyrics which would be considered as his current feelings.

baby, maybe | soonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now