pt. 2 / 2

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Jihoon woke up with a start. He squints his eyes at the bright light shining directly at him, trying to move his arm to block out the light, but only ended up groaning in pain as he did so.

"Jihoonie, y-you're awake!" He recognises that voice. The voice that soothes him all the time whenever he was in a melancholy mood. His oh-so-favourite voice had seemed.. different. Like he had been upset a while before.

"W-What happened?" Soonyoung adjusts the bed so that Jihoon could sit up right. When the other had sat back down on his previous seat, Jihoon hears a sigh and a hand hold his tightly.

"You were receiving hits, kicks and punches from some people, Jihoon... Did this happen frequently? Was it why you always seemed to be limping on some days?" Jihoon blushed at the last part.

"Well... It never happened before," Jihoon starts, "the only reason why I limped was because of you, you stupid idiot." Soonyoung raises an eyebrow, a finger pointing at himself, before he realises the younger's words.

"O-Oh! Uh, uhm," Soonyoung blushes as well, "okay, well, uhm, pretend I didn't ask." Soonyoung wants to bury himself 6 ft. underground out of embarrassment.

Soonyoung tries his best to compose himself, before going on to ask more questions.

"Were they bullying you from the start? Ever since we got exposed?" Jihoon remained silent, fingers fiddling with the blanket. "Jihoon?"

"It's not a big deal, Soonie." He spots Soonyoung's frown, raising his index finger to run through Soonyoung's lips, as if it would stop him from frowning more.

"It is a big deal if you don't tell me about it and suffer alone, Hoonie." Soonyoung sighs. "I got them suspended." Soonyoung wants to laugh at the way Jihoon widened his eyes, but he was supposed to be serious.

"What? Why? How?" Soonyoung caresses Jihoon's cheeks and stands a little to give Jihoon a forehead kiss. He leans his forehead on Jihoon's afterwards.

"I can't let them play around with you like this, baby. They were harming you physically. I can't let that happen to you anymore. And don't you remember that dad's the owner of the school? I can easily make them get suspended."

Jihoon's speechless. All because of him...

"Why, don't look at me like this..." Soonyoung pecks Jihoon's lips, cheeks, nose and lastly, forehead.

"You're precious to me, I hope you know that, Hoonie."

Jihoon can't help but think about how amazing Soonyoung is. He's still no match for the taller, but yet he still chose Jihoon. Captain of the dance team, son of a billionaire, loved by many people. Of all the people in the world, Jihoon was the lucky one. Jihoon had told Soonyoung about how lucky he felt to have Soonyoung, but the other had only shook his head.

"No, Hoonie, I'm the lucky one." Jihoon tilts his head, furrowing his eyebrows and pouting a little in denial. Soonyoung pulls Jihoon into a hug, the younger's face buried in Soonyoung's chest. Jihoon takes this opportunity to listen to Soonyoung's calming heartbeat.

"You know how many people want to date me just because of money and popularity? The moment I met you, you kicked my shin and you only saw me as a normal person." Jihoon chuckles at the memory of him kicking Soonyoung that day. The taller had said something stupid on the day they met each other which caused Jihoon to kick him.

"I'm so glad and lucky to have you, Jihoonie. I know you're always sincere with your feelings. That's why. I didn't 'choose' you, you were never one of the options. You were the only option for me." Jihoon scrunches his nose at the cheesiness, pushing the other away from him. His face was now red from too much blushing.

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