10. Drunk Lucy

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Lucy smiles and steps out of the firebird into the parking lot. They look slightly under-dressed when everyone walks in with their jeans and t-shirts. Cana sees them immediately.

She grabs Lucy's arm. "Lucy go downstairs with the girls first and put on the outfits I have prepared for you all."

Lucy grabs Erza and Juvia, but first says to Natsu, "We will be back up in a minute sweetheart." She winks as she takes Erza's and Juvia's hands pulling them toward the basement. Once they get to the basement they start to change.

Lucy puts on an outfit with a super short skirt and a tight top that outlines her bosom perfectly. And Erza has on a white button up shirt with a black short skirt. And Juvia has on a blue long skirt and a tight lime green corset. "Cana really picked clothes that shows off our assets."

"So Lucy you and Natsu?" Erza says in a seductive voice. Lucy starts blushing.

"Y-yeah, what of it?" Lucy stammers.

"Are you together like other than this case?" Erza said with her eyes lighting up.

"I don't know Erza you heard of my past today. It's just different with Natsu I have this feeling in my gut that I have to be around him. I hope it will be something more but I'm not going to push the issue with him." Lucy sighs while contemplating her thoughts and her heart, "I also was friends with him when we were kids."


"Yeah, remember I told you about the pink haired boy in my dreams. Well turns out I had a picture in an old photo album of us that Natsu was looking through and asked why he was in my photo album." Lucy shrugged in explanation. While she picked out the outfits for her and Natsu's interview.

"Ok we should get upstairs and let the boys change." Lucy said as she raced up the stairs.

She sneaks up behind Natsu and Gray has his shirt off showing his abs. All Lucy hears is a thump behind her. And Juvia on the floor, from fainting from Gray's stripping habit. Lucy thinks I wonder how he ever gets anything done because he has to stop and put his clothes on at some point. Juvia was getting woken up by Erza and was drooling with clear hearts in her eyes at Gray. Lucy giggles. And puts a finger up to her lips to tell the platinum blonde to not say anything before she places her hands over Natsu's eyes.
"Guess who," She said in a deep voice. Natsu stiffened and went pale.

~~~~Natsu P.O.V.~~~~

I watched Lucy leave and the bar's theme looked expensive with fire, ice and glitter as a theme. It was super sleek looking and it was no wonder the girls needed to change. Cana I assume is talking with Jellal and I walk up to them and see a familiar white haired girl behind the bar.

"Mira what are you doing here?" I question truly curious then I see a muscle bound white haired man beside her.

"I am working my brother Elfman here is their bouncer, and head bartender. He called me when they were understaffed. Also the master wants us to keep watch on you. And I wanted to get a look at my Nalu ship!" Mira excitedly exclaimed.

"Huh Nalu isn't that what the reporters called it?" I said blushing, "And Mira this is just for work. We decided that we may try to be in a relationship after. You know I haven't met anyone like her in a long time." I said thinking about my past heartbreak but I don't think Lucy would do that to me. 

"Yeah I know Natsu. Not since Lisanna." Mira smiles wildly and I get hands placed over my eyes.

"Guess who," there is a gruff voice behind me. I pale a little then I hear a giggle. "Luce, stop messing around." She kisses my cheek, we hear a click, and I start to blush at the same time she blushes.

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