~ Two ~

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In a matter of minutes the halls were empty, and you were left with your books flying around in your hands while sprinting off to your first class..which also happened to be your only class apparently for the entire day. 

'Great, did the exact thing I wasn't supposed to do..'

You spotted the room you were assigned to be in and rushed towards it, opening the door and quickly taking a seat inside.

The bell rang as soon as you placed your stuff down and you laughed quietly at how you just made it, nervous about some of the people possibly looking at you for being practically late.

Everyone was already ready with their notebooks out, and you even saw a few with whole stacks of binders and folders.

'Jeez..they do realize this is one class right? Who the hell has the money for that.'  You thought, pulling out some paper to write on and a pencil.

Taking a look around, there was no teacher in sight yet. Just a bunch of kids looking down at their papers nervously just as you were. Maybe the teacher was just late?

On the board were a few math problems, which was simple enough for you. You weren't the worst at math..but definitely weren't the best.

'Three measly math problems, simple enough..'


'..that's insulting'



'Okay that's a bit harder. Why didn't I bring a damn calculator?'



'Alright does this teacher seriously think we are stupid?'


You shook your head, kind of disappointed at that. There's always such thing as starting small on the first day. But your brain wasn't the size of a peanut. You smirked, deciding to be a pain in the ass and flipped your paper over and writing a little note on the back. 

"Dear Teacher,

        My cat could solve these math problems.

Try harder next time. - Love, your student who is surprisingly smarter than a 6th grader."

As soon as you were done writing you heard a slam from behind you and you jumped a bit, startled by the sudden noise. 

Quickly turning around you saw the teacher enter through the door, and ironically it was the man you ran into early — Baldi. Your eyes widened a bit and you frowned.

'Of course it'd be him'

He walked up to his desk, and placed his bag and ruler onto the table before looking back at the class with a big grin.

"Hello Everyone! I'm so sorry for being late, I got caught up in something..Anyhow, My name is Mr. Baldi, I'll be your teacher this year. Did everyone finish the problems on the board?" He stated with a small clap of his hands.

Everyone nodded and he smiled even wider.

"Great! I'll collect your papers now then, if you haven't checked your work how's your chance."

He began going around and taking the papers from the other students, some looked very anxious. It wasn't until he got to your row you began to panic.

'Fuck, fuck wait the note. He's gonna hate me!'  You thought, and quickly tried to erase it — but it was to late, Baldi was in front of you and took the paper from your hands.

"Guess someone forgot to double check, hmm?" He asked in a somewhat teasing voice. You gave an awkward chuckle before sliding back in your seat, accepting your fate.

"Now I'd like everyone to take a second and right down on a piece of paper there strongest aspects in math, and weakest. To kind of get a feel of what you guys know already! I'll pass back your papers when they are graded." Baldi sat back down at his desk after erasing the questions off the board, and began looking over the papers he collected.

'Great he's grading it too, I love being screwed'

You nervously fidgeted around in your seat, not really focusing on the other task you had to complete. Normally it wouldn't  be that big of a deal, it's just a silly note. But this man really creeped you out earlier with how quick he switched his personality.

And you already bumped into him once, he was sure to hate you. On the first day at that.

Deciding not to focus on it to much, and hoping he might just get a laugh out of it you went back to writing. Answer the questions as honestly as possible, hoping maybe you'll gain some respect out of that.

After a minute you glanced up, and you noticed Baldi had his head tilted to the side, looking at the back of a paper..your paper, as a matter a fact.

For a second you actually had to hold in a laugh to keep from looking like a snorting idiot in class.

'He looks so confused.' 

You thought, but suddenly you stopped smiling when you realized he was staring right at you. Eyes locking with your E/C ones, an eyebrow raised and an unamused look on his face.

But that quickly changed and he gave a big smile to the other kids.

"Alright everyone! Luckily for all of you, you passed the opener!" A sigh of relief was heard from the other kids, and you furrowed your brows. Confused to why that was such an accomplishment.

"But you, Y/N. I'd like to see after class." He continued, looking at you with an almost unnoticeable look in his eye, and not the good kind.

The other kids looked at you, some even muttering an "I'm so sorry" type of statement.

You couldn't help but snicker.

What was the big deal?


End of Chapter 2

Can I die yet?

Just A Student..? | Yandere! Baldi X Reader Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now