Chapter 9

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Yui woke up groggily back at Headquarters. She saw Yuko and Kana hovered over her.

"Thank goodness~ you're okay!"

"Wh-what happened..?" Yui said as she held her head.

"It's Obsidian's army. They got hold of the Onyx Saber."

A rush of memories hit her as she remembered what had happened on the battlefield.

"No..." She started to cry remembering her friends being taken away. "No, this can't be..."


"What am I going to do now?"

"There's no other choice. You have to fight them and destroy the Saber."

"But how?!" Yui screamed, tears streaming down her eyes. "They took the others... and they've gotten stronger... I'm..."

"Yui, listen," Yuko took the girl's shoulders. "There's a reason I chose you as leader for this team. You have a power deep within you, and now you have to let it out to save the others."

"I do..?"

"You do. It's always been right here," Yuko pointed at her chest.

Yui looked at her Gem. All she could think about was saving the others, and all of Tokyo. She grasped the Gem tightly.

"Right. I have to fight."

Yuko typed a few things into the computer and found the location of Lapis.

"If we hurry now, we can catch him before he leaves Tokyo," Yuko said, "Also, while you were out, I upgraded your Gem."


"Yup. The rain that was out there weakened it, so I did a little adjustments to strengthen it."

"Thank you, Yuko. I'll be off then," Yui said before she stepped on the teleporter and was transported to the streets of Tokyo.

The whole place was deserted, the sky dark with black clouds. The place was wrecked due to the previous Geodite attacks.

"This is terrible..."

She then found Lapis and faced him.


"Oh, you're back already? It didn't take you too long to recover. How disappointing..."

"Where are my friends?"

"Oh yes. They're battling elsewhere... Call it a test of strength."

He approached Yui and summoned a blade in his hand. He smirked and moved his sword, the blade almost touching her cheek.

"Perhaps we should have one of our own. Let's see if you can beat me. Although, I truly doubt it."

Yui gripped her Gem.

"Lapis... you used to be one of us. A Prism Knight... Yet, you betrayed Ange... You broke Yuko's heart... You fell to darkness... Everything you've done.. is unforgivable!"

Yui then transformed and summoned a new sword, which had been upgraded by Yuko.

"For your unacceptable deeds... I will defeat you!"


Meanwhile, in what seemed like another dimension, the four girls found themselves in a world shrouded by darkness. Everything was bleak and looked almost like a graveyard. Although they were in the same world, the four were divided into two pairs, miles apart from each other.

Sayanee and Haruppi were facing Topaz, Haruppi protecting Sayanee from the back against the Geodites, and Sayanee doing the same.

Topaz chuckled from above. "How pathetic... Do you really think you can keep this up? Sooner or later, one of you will fall."

During battle, Haruppi was struggling to keep up with the monsters' attacks. Before she could reload her shouts, one of the Geodites knocked her down and cornered her.


The blue knight quickly came to her call and slashed the monster from behind.

"Is that all you got?" Sayanee grinned at Topaz.

He sneered. "What a nuisance."

He then snapped his fingers and created a black cage of thorns around Sayanee. She tried to break out, but they were incredibly strong, not even leaving a scratch.

"Now, where were we, little pink knight?"

The Geodites circled Haruppi, making her shiver in fear.

"What's the matter? You scared?! Why don't you just run away like the weak little baby you are!"

"I-I... I..!" Haruppi started to cry.

"Haruppi, don't listen to him!" Sayanee shouted. "You have to fight!"

The girl shook her head. "I don't want to anymore... I wanna go home..."

"If you don't fight now, there won't be a home to go to!"

Haruppi sniffled and wiped away her tears.


She cocked her two guns and aimed them at the monsters, firing one shot after another and taking out each monster.

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