The Last Supper

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The Last Supper

"Should I bring something? Drinks, maybe?"

I squeezed my phone in between my ear and shoulder, ransacking my own refrigerator to find anything edible to bring to the Gilmore's place. The last time I opened the thing, a cockroach crawled out of it. Or maybe it was a carton of yogurt that was moving on its own. Who knew. "I can stop by Doose's and buy some beer for the big kids."

"Don't be ridiculous," Rory reassured from the other end of the line, "I'm inviting you as a guest; you don't have to bring anything. Besides, Sookie and Jackson brought enough food to remake the Last Supper."

"I don't doubt it," I said. "Oh, God. You know that Jess kid? Luke's nephew?"

Rory hummed.

"I was walking home from Simon's, and he approached me. It was pretty creepy how he did it, actually." I snorted simply by replaying the scene in my head. "I was also in a pretty weird mood, all snappy and stuff, so when he tried talking to me, I nearly bit his head off."

"Well, he had to say something to make you snap like that."

I nodded, throwing my hand in the air. "Yeah! I don't know, he just has this bite-my-ass attitude I don't like, and when I so obviously shut him down, he had the nerve to ask for my number."

"A living Steve Stifler, that kid."

I laughed. "I know, right? And when I said I had a boyfriend, he told me that there was no way."

"Yikes," Rory said. "So it's gonna be pretty awkward when he comes over, huh?"

I nodded. "Sure is." I started looking through the cabinets, leaving them open as I heedlessly scoured through every single one for any sign of life. Well, that wouldn't be so difficult to find in the food cabinets of my kitchen, but anything edible surely would be. "Oh! I have chips. Care for Doritos?"

"Heather, stop it. I already said no."

"Hm, what about Takis?"

The line went silent for a bit, the white noise I was hearing on the other end tickling my ear. "I mean, if you really feel the need to bring some."

"Okay," I said, closing the cabinets. Takis it is." The front door freaked as it opened, and in entered my father, trudging past the kitchen and into the living room, where he fell into his favorite chair and let out an unpleasing grunt. I went unnoticed. "I'll see you soon, I gotta go." Before Rory could say bye, I hung up and hid my phone in my bra.

"Papa?" I crept into the living room, in case he was asleep. If so, it was just my luck, and I could easily sneak out from the back door. But today just wasn't my day. John Dubois sat idly in his large, one-person seat, hand reaching for an open can of beer, which I remembered seeing this morning. Maybe it was a different one, though it was impossible as he never came into the kitchen. And we had no available beer. He was very much awake, chugging disgustingly on the old beverage.

His voice was low and scratchy, like he's been speaking for so long that he was on the verge of losing his voice. Though he never spoke much at all. At least to her. "Leave me alone, I'm gonna watch my show."

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