Puppy Love

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Puppy Love

I was disappointed to say that things went back to normal once Luke returned. We continued our usual tasks since people began entering the diner again, and Jess actually walked up to customers willingly. The funny thing was, he put on a baseball cap identical to Luke's, having it on backwards and everything. And the even funnier thing, Luke hasn't noticed.

I announced my leaving at around six, just half an hour before closing time. I usually stayed longer, Hell, I was the one who always locked the place up, but since I wanted to meet up with Rory and Lorelai, I told Luke and he let me go. As I hung up my apron, Jess watched me while leaning against the wall.

"Do you usually leave this early?" asked Jess. His long-sleeved shirt was pulled up to his elbows, and the gel in his hair began to lose its strength as strands began to droop over his forehead. It was a nice, messy look he wore well. He wore his signature lopsided grin, except without the sarcasm that usually came along with it.

"No, but I'm meeting someone." His smile faltered. My hair was getting damp and flat on my head, so I lifted it into a high ponytail, pulling out a few baby hairs around my face after. "Lorelai and Rory are having a movie marathon, and I'm the lucky guest they invited."

"Oh." He took off his Luke-inspired cap and tossed it onto the counter, since he failed to notice it. There was no point in wearing it anymore, since he retreated to the second floor to fetch something. "Watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Get in the Halloween spirit, ya know?"

"Isn't that the one with Leatherface?" Jess nodded. I leaned back against the counter and shrugged. "I've never seen it, but I'll make sure to recommend it."

I walked to the door. "Tell Luke I said bye, alright?" The bell jingled above my head as I stepped out.

Stars Hallow was so beautiful during the nightfall. Once the darkness took over, the lampposts turned on, and squared pockets of light that shone out from the windows of buildings made all that was of the small town. The streets weren't too full or too empty at this time of hour, and the weather was perfect. 6 o'clock was the best hour in Stars Hallow.

I looked into the window of Luke's diner as I walked by, and I caught Jess' eyes on me. He instantly looked down at his feet, but he eventually looked up again and gave me a smile that seemed so genuinely sweet, and with just the right touch of shyness. A chilling warmth rushed through me, and I floundered, temporarily malfunctioning under his piercing gaze.

We were back at square one, where I felt uncomfortable with his comfort. And I hated it being that way.

I averted my eyes to the sidewalk that lay ahead of me and noticed Miss Patty walking into Stars Hallow Video. I checked my watch to make sure I had enough time to spare before following her inside. I had half an hour to do whatever, and having a conversation with her could last a lot more.

I stepped into Stars Hallow Video, realizing I've never been here before. Various columns lined the store with hundreds of DVDs stacked among them. I felt as though stepping through that door teleported me back to the 90s. I couldn't believe that I've never been here before this exact moment in the seventeen years of my existence in Stars Hallow.

This might've been my new favorite place to go to whenever I was bored. I walked down one of the aisles and ran my fingers across every DVD I came across, and I slowly came to notice how there were various vulgar movies—all having to had been rated NC-17—mixed in with other films for younger audiences. There were usually nude women on the covers, breasts out and all. Oh, geez. Forget anything I said before, this wasn't my go-to place.

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