Chapter: 3

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I was sitting next to my bed where Y/n laid, I held her hand, fingers intertwined. Her hand was so cold. Steve was standing by the edge of the bed looking at Y/n.

"Does Tony know what they did to do her yet?" I asked Steve, my eyes not leaving Y/n.

"Not yet, he says that her form is strong like a soldier, so she probably went under some training. they might have been trying to make a young Winter Soldier out of her"

"does he know what those colorful dot thingys were in her DNA?"

"Bruce is still figuring it out, he thinks she might have been injected with some sort of Super Soldier Serum, but their not sure yet"

I nodded still staring at Y/n.

"come back to me" I silently muttered to myself.

I hope Y/N is okay, and Bucky. Man to find out that your little sister is still alive and that she's been frozen for 70 years by HYDRA must suck.

"Hey man!" Ned said snapping me back to reality since I was deep in thought about Bucky and his Sister.

"Hey, man. whats up?" I smiled.

"Oh nothing much, I got the new Death Star LEGO set yesterday, wanna build it after school?" Ned, jumped up and down excitedly.

"Yeah! we can do it at my place if you want" I suggested.

"Sounds good" Ned nodded his head.

The school bell rung splitting us the 'not as rich as tony' teenage boys from our conversation.

I couldn't concentrate on anything any of the teachers were saying, all I could think about was Y/n and if she was doing okay. hopefully I can see her soon.

I sat down next to Ned at lunch and he started talking something about Star Wars, I didn't pay much attention I was still deep in thought about the mission, Y/n, Bucky, even Steve since he is impacted by this too. Suddenly Ned starts hitting my shoulder I stared at him confused until he pointed at someone.

"Dude, Look!" Ned said, pointing at someone.

It was Liz, I've had a crush on Liz since second grade. She was wearing a high waist jean skirt and a white shirt, she looked beautiful.

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"You two look like idiots" Michelle said, she was further down the table.

"Am I sitting with you guys? or am I just an illusion?" she turned back to her book, I just shook my head confused.

Once school ended Ned went to his place to get the LEGO set and I decided to go as Spiderman and see if any crime needed to be stopped. I had been patrolling for a while, I completely forgotten about Ned - I know i'm a great friend -. I climbed through my window, crawling on the ceiling. I quietly closed the door, gently jumping of the ceiling until I heard a loud crash. I slowly turned around to see Ned sitting on my bed with LEGO's all around his feet, I took off my mask and ran to him.

"you- you're the Spiderman!" Ned spoke kinda loud.

"shh shh shh, keep it down!" I said with a crack in my voice, I pressed a button on my suit and it fell of my body.

"Dude! you have pecs!" Ned whisper yelled, I covered my body with my arms from embarrassment, I heard Aunt May laughing and she opened the door.

"Well I burnt that meatloaf, I guess we'll just have to go out to eat. Honey put some clothes on" she said, I nodded at her "Do you wanna come Ned?"

"I uh-" Ned started to say but I interrupted him

"he, uh- can't he has to go..." I stuttered. Aunt May just nodded then left the room. "Dude you need to go now." I said while i put a shirt on.

"Wait, I have a question" He said before he left my room.


"How are you able to do this AND stark's internship?"

"This is the Stark Internship"

"Ohhhh" Ned said, finally putting two and two together.

I pushed Ned out of the door and said goodbye to him.

Bruce and I are trying to figure out what HYDRA did to Y/N, her DNA isn't normal they had to have injected her with something, some sort of super soldier serum. Her body's muscles aren't like the most women in the 1940's, her's are stronger, like a Soldier. Of course. I already said that. I'm just repeating myself at this point.

"Sir, Y/n has woken up, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes require your assistance" FRIDAY said.

I quickly left the lab to see what was happening.

Bucky and I were just talking about memories of Y/n when her eyes started to flutter open.

"Steve" Bucky gasped, he moved to the edge of his seat looking at Y/n with concern, but then out of nowhere Y/n pinned Bucky to the floor, her hands around his throat, she a had a blank look in her eyes I ran over to try to pull her off Bucky but she wouldn't budge.

"FRIDAY! GET TONY OVER HERE NOW!" I shouted at the A.I.

"Mr. Stark is on his way" FRIDAY replied, moments later Tony opens the door to the room and sees what's happening he runs over and injects something into Y/n, she fell off of Bucky. He started to gasp for air. I walked towards him and helped him stand up. Y/n was laying on the floor eyes closed, by the looks of it Tony tranquilized her.

"What happened?" Tony asked.

I explained everything to him, he nodded understanding.

They put you in a cell with a comfy bed, you laid there unconscious, Bucky sat in a chair in front of the glass wall that separates the two of you. Steve and Tony stood in a corner talking about what to do with you.

"Do you think she is still under HYDRA's control?" Steve asked.

"She clearly is, she attacked Bucky within seconds of waking up. How do we know that she won't try to get out of that cell to kill the rest of us? look I know she's Bucky's baby sister and all but we need to think about the safety of the team" Tony quietly spoke.

Steve just sighed and shook his head not knowing what to do.

"Has Bruce found out anything else?"

"No, but we are still looking"

Steve nodded "is there anyway we can get her memories back? I mean it worked for Bucky"

"Yeah, but that took time, and it took keywords. We don't know what keywords would unlock her memories or even how long it will take."

"Is there a way to make it go faster?"

"I don't know, but I'll work on it. We might have to do the same thing we did with Bucky. Just wait and have patience"

Patience is a bit--


Okay! I'm sorry Steve! I'm sorry!

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