1. The start

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After the whole incident with justin I decided to just have me time because I'm so done with boys honestly. When I was I'm the hospital, I would see him walk in to my room and pretend I was sleeping but I wasn't teehee I know all his confessions and secrets I'm so evil I love myself so much hehe. Anyway he tried texting me but I left him on read because hes so mean.

Justin's POV:
I screwed up this time, I only did it to protect her but she won't take me back, I know I'm a jerk and could of protected her but you know me, I make dumb decisions. That girl still texts me and I dont even like her, her name I'd Savannah and i fricken hate her sm. When I visit Cameron, i always walk in and shes always sleeping and I never get to talk to her but sometimes I feel like shes not actually sleeping and shes just listening to my secrets. I really miss her and I wish I could go back in time but sadly that's not how the world works. Cameron got out of the hospital a month ago and she hasn't talk to since, I hope she doesn't blame me for being in the hospital. I miss her so much, but I know when school starts she'll never talk to me ever again..

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