3. The hell?

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Cameron POV:
So umm I start summer camp in a week. I'm kinding yoloing life right now. Is it wrong that I'm secretly stalking justin, okay but I've done so many wrong things in my life that I cant even tell what's wrong and right.

Justin's POV:
So I start summer camp in a week. I honestly hate life right now, is it wrong that I'm secretly stalking Cameron 24/7?

Xochitls POV:
So Cameron's not mad at me anymore, I gave her a present which was a why dony we purse yes I'm a good friend teehee.

Madison's POV:
So I'm kinda in a love triangle but like why am I telling everyone this. Anyway I changed with Cameron the other day and not gonna lie Cameron's life is pretty rough. Also I saw justin sitting back to back with Cameron at the bus. Yes I took picture
Yes I know he almost killed her. Yes I still ship jameron. And the most embarrassing part is she was talking to me about if it's wrong if she is stalking him, that girl.

My (Camerons) POV:
Okay so this is my story why haven't I been the main character in this?
Xochitl: dude the book is literally called Jameron.
Mads/Breanna: Yeah!
Anyway, turns out summer camp sign up was an hour ago and I missed it. Why? Because I was eating food and I hope that the boy i used to love..isnt there

Juicy drama coming up..

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